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Author Topic:  Copedents/tabs of the stars...
C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2003 12:19 pm    
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For many years, in various and sundry publications; and now on the internet, the "greats" former and present copedents have been listed.

I would caution the young steel player. who happens to see one or more of these, in the following respect. I have seen a number of them, with errors in them. In some cases the errors could cause a newbie to spend endless hours needlessly if there was indeed errors in the listed copedent.

Please note, I am not faulting anyone. Mistakes are simply a part of life. And they happen inder the best of circumstances and/or intentions.

The same thing happens with tab. Before you think there is something wrong with you, it just might be that there is an error in the copedent you are looking at; or in the tab when you are trying to learn a given song.

Now of course, this does not mean that frustrations are always because of errors. There are indeed a number of instances where it is just danged hard to learn something and get it to sound right without mucho practice and you may indeed have to spend countless hours to perfect a lick.

But is is worth a try in many cases to see if possible whether there is a mistake; if you run across a copedent or tab where something just not make sense.

Good luck to you and may Jesus lead you in the right direction,

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