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Author Topic:  how far to get with an AWH??
Niklas Widen


Uppsala, Sweden
Post  Posted 27 Sep 2003 9:04 am    
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Ok, I'm thinking about investing in some better equipment, but I would like to hear from someone who has had experience with the swedish made AWH Custom steel - some of you scandinavian guys? Do you think I should stay with that steel and buy me a real good amplifier and other things or should I start spending money on another steel? In other words, is the AWH good enough to build up a "serious" setup with? The reason why I'm asking is I personally like the AWH, having no problems with it, but I haven't ever played another steel, but some of you who have maybe can give me some advice?

Nicke Widén

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Ulf Edlund

Umeå, Sweden
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2003 12:27 pm    
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Hi Nicke.
I recently sold my AWH Viking, and replaced it with an MSA Classic SS D-10. I must say the difference wasn't as big as i thought it would be. My AWH was a very simple 3+1 model to wich i added two more knee levers. The simplicity made it a bit limited but at the same time problem free. It stayed in tune very well and hardly ever broke a string.
I personally believe that any instrument is "serious" enough as long as it it does the job and you like it. And you will allways need a good amp, regardless what steel you play.

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Jussi Huhtakangas


Helsinki, Finland
Post  Posted 28 Sep 2003 10:53 pm    
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I used to have a very early AWH Eminent D10 with 8+4, that I bought from Janne Lindgren. The changer was sort of like on the Sho Bud permanents, it stayed in tune well and I liked it alot. I did change the PU's for Sho Bud single coils though. I've seen several AWH's and AVM's ( later version of AWH )and they all seemed to be fine guitars, probably not as precision built as some top US -brands of the time, but I certainly didn't see anything wrong either. Besides, every one that I've seen, were made out of very pretty woods.
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