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Presley's Country Jubilee

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 2:14 am
by Dean Holman
I just wanted to let everyone know that I am now the new steel guitar player at Presleys'. I was hired to play steel guitar, dobro and banjo and anything else I can cover on the show. Kevin gave notice and left under good terms from what I understand. For those of you who are die hard Kevin fans, I hope that you give me the chance and support to at least try to accomplish and make the show at least as enjoyable as what Kevin did. I'm not Kevin nor do I want to be. I feel I have a lot to add to the show and the Presleys' feel the same. I have already had a disheartening comment from someone who I won't mention their name, but feels that I am a " bad decision ". I know I'm not the best player but I know I'm not anywhere near being the worst player either. What hurts me the most is that I've always tried to be respectful, understanding and encouraging to other players regardless of their abilities. All I'm asking is for the same courtesy. For what it's worth, I'm not just replacing Kevin as their utility musician of 25 plus years, had suffered a bad stroke and left him impaired and he was never replaced and they realized that he probably wouldn't recover to be able to do the show anymore. They felt that it would be in their best interest to find someone who could try to fill both positions. I will do my best to do the best job I can do. I'm just asking for your prayers and support and a big thank you to those who believe in me and have been supportive over the years.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 5:41 am
by Carl Williams
Congratulations Dean...will be looking forward to seeing you with the show on my next visit to Branson. We see the Presley's at least once each year. What a great group of musicians and singers! Good luck...Carl

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 6:53 am
by Dean Holman
I didn't really word something right that might be a confusion. I didn't mean that Kevin was the one who had a stroke. Kevin is fine and left to pursue other opportunities. Mark Walker who has been with the show for over twenty plus years, had a stroke back in August and has left him impaired to the extent of not being able to do the show. He is doing fine but I don't know for sure if or when he will ever be back on the show. That may be the reason why Presleys didn't want to hire two separate musicians just in case. I wish the very best for Mark and Kevin.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 7:04 am
by Joe Casey
I'm sure you will do fine and I do wish you the best. I noticed that Keven did not seem too happy at tines especially being left out of songs that were noted for it's steel content.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 7:23 am
by john buffington
Congratulations on your new opportunity. Can't wait to finally get to see and hear your play. They made a fine choice in adding you to their show, you have lots to offer anyone! Again, very best wishes to you.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 8:07 am
by Chubby Howard
Dean is not only a GREAT player but a very Great Gentleman and Friend!!! He will do just fine and they could have not made a better choice in his hiring !!! Good luck buddy and hope to see you again in St. Louis. Chubby Howard

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 8:57 am
by Larry Dering
Dean, My congratulations and you will be a fine addition to the show. Wish you all the best.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 9:11 am
by Larry Baker
Dean, I respect you greatly as a steel player and person You will be a great replacement for Kevin. I've heard you many times at the Branson steel shows.
I wish you much success with the new gig. Larry

Just disregard and negative comments you hear, those usually just come from jealously...


Posted: 8 Mar 2015 9:22 am
by Mike Archer
Dean i know you will do a great job on the show

no doubt that you are a fine player and im sure

they saw and heard that right off

many prayers for Mark and Kevin both that Mark makes a full recovery and Kevin does great at whatever he seeks to do

and may you be blessed with your new job bro!

mike :D

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 9:39 am
by Mike Holder
What ever reason a musician moves on for is between him and his employer. John Hughey didn't have to explain his departure from Conway, it was just simply time. This is a business and people come & go. Terry Bethel has been with Mel Tillis several times as an example to this point. A great player moved on and to The Presley's advantage another great player is able to contribute to their show. This is a win win for all. Dean Holman can play !!

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 10:24 am
by Tiny Olson
Congrats to you Dean. I have no doubt that you'll do a great job. Plus... thumbs ups from my buddies Chubby Howard & Joe Casey... nothin' wrong with that !!

Best wishes to you, Kevin and Mark.

Chris "Tiny" O.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 10:49 am
by Jerry Pansier
Dean, congratulations on your new position with the Presley show. I,m sure you will happy with the decision you made.You are an asset to any show you are in. Good Luck!!!!

Presley's Show

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 11:50 am
by Clark Doughty
Congratulations Dean
We've seen the show several times and you have signed on with a group of talented musicians and I'm sure you will add your gifts and talents to the show. It's really and enjoyable show for those of you who haven't seen it and it's exciting to see that one of our own steelers is playing this show.....Best wishes and we'll be seeing you before long.......clark and lucy

PS: I agree with Larry......forget the naysayers, they are just jealous :)

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 12:41 pm
by Steve Matlock
Hey Dean, your a great player and I know you'll do an awesome job! I'll have to come see the show again soon to hear you.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 12:43 pm
by Jerry Roller
Hi Dean, you have my support. I am going to enjoy seeing you with the Presleys. You are definitely one of my favorite Branson players and a good guy besides. Congratulations to you for landing a great gig and also congratulations to the Presleys on landing a great musician. Can you tell us when we can expect to see you on the RFD TV show? I also wish the best for Kevin who too is a great player.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 1:26 pm
by Doug Rolfe
I heard Dean at the Baldknobbers and feel he is an awesome musician and well qualified to be a part of the Presley's show. Let's understand that shows of that quality don't hire "average musicians". Dean you go get"um". We'll miss Kevin, but I have no doubt you will do great. We had been missing Mark and wondered what happened. I hope he recovers from the stroke and can get back to playing music soon.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 3:32 pm
by Jack Wilson
I've heard all the Branson players for the last 25 years and Dean doesn't take a back seat to any of them.

Posted: 8 Mar 2015 3:46 pm
by Danny Letz
Just wondered if you are still using my Tonic. Best wishes for you new job.

Posted: 9 Mar 2015 2:10 pm
by Keith Hilton
Dean, Presley's made a good choice when they hired you. I need you to tell the Presley's fiddle player something for me. Kevin came by my shop several months back for me to work on his pedal. At that time Kevin brought me a older Hilton pedal the fiddle player had got from the steel player before Kevin started. The fiddle player has never contacted me about the pedal Kevin left with me. Find out if he wants the pedal or not. If he doesn't want it you might as well come and get it.

Posted: 9 Mar 2015 3:49 pm
by Mark Wayne
Congratulations Dean.

Posted: 9 Mar 2015 4:12 pm
by Keith Hilton
Dean, about the disheartening comments someone made. Pay them no attention! Let that be like water off a duck's back. I lived in Branson 22 years, and there has always been back stabbers in Branson. While I lived in Branson I was stabbed so many times in the back, my back looks like a pin cushion. Those that use dishearting comments are only jealous rats. Branson is a "rat race" and sometimes it seems like the rats are winning! I remember Gale Kirkland bragging about your playing when you were in West Plains, long before you went to Nashville. Gale lived over west of West Plains on the Norfork River. I guess you know Gale and his brother are both dead now.

presleys new steel player

Posted: 16 Mar 2015 7:30 pm
by Darrell Grigsby
Tonight, I took in the Presleys show.
I shook hands with you, at half time.

As I said to you--- you did a super
job. Keep up the good work.

I look forward to seeing and hearing
you, again.



Posted: 16 Mar 2015 10:09 pm
by Dean Holman
Thank you Darrell and thank you Keith and thanks to the rest of you for the kind remarks and support. It really does mean a lot to me. I think the purpose for the somewhat negative comment stems from a misconception that Kevin was fired when actually he gave notice in fact, a considerable notice. I realize that sometimes you can get caught in a cross fire of someone's frustration and something gets said that that person never really meant to say. Or at least that's how I'm going to take it . I'm enjoying doing the show and everyone at Presleys has been absolutely super. I think we're going to be taping some new shows on RFD before too long.

Posted: 17 Mar 2015 3:16 am
by Duane Dunard
Congratulations Dean. You are right for the job, so relax and enjoy this moment in your life.