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Author Topic:  JHS Prescription Fulltone OCD for Steelaire
Les Cargill


Oklahoma City, Ok, USA
Post  Posted 20 Jun 2015 4:34 pm    
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The Fulltone OCD w/ JHS Prescription mods goes extremely well with a Quilter Steelaire for six-string. I need the treble and high mids on the Steelaire on 9-10 o'clock to get the squeak out. This makes six-string a little muddy ( even with underwound Telecaster pickups ). The OCD makes up for it well.

I also tried the AMT M1, M2 and F1, a standard Tech21 Sansamp and a Way Huge Green Rhino. The AMT weren't bad, but the Fulltone has better note definition. Some may prefer the Rhino, but it was "mooshier", more of a Tube Screamer. I couldn't operate a Sansamp on a dark stage...

If I could set the Steelaire up for only six string, I might not even need a pedal, but the treble boost solves this problem.
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