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Author Topic:  Wally Murphy's new CD
Darvin Willhoite

Roxton, Tx. USA
Post  Posted 19 Jan 2015 6:11 pm    
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I got Wally Murphy's new CD "Forbidden Planets" today, and it is great. Wally has always been one of my favorite steel players since I saw him the first time, in 1974 at the International Steel Guitar Convention. He always plays refreshing stuff, Jazz, Country, Pop, Patriotic, or whatever and plays it all very well. If you've never heard him play the "William Tell Overture", you've really never heard it played. He always has a very tight band that know the arrangements well. This CD has some older songs and some newer songs, and it's definitely worth adding to your collection. Send him an email for ordering information.
Darvin Willhoite
MSA Millennium, Legend, and Studio Pro, Reese's restored Universal Direction guitar, a restored MSA Classic SS, several amps, new and old, and a Kemper Powerhead that I am really liking. Also a Zum D10, a Mullen RP, and a restored Rose S10, named the "Blue Bird". Also, I have acquired and restored the plexiglass D10 MSA Classic that was built as a demo in the early '70s. I also have a '74 lacquer P/P, with wood necks, and a showroom condition Sho-Bud Super Pro.
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