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Sarno Revelation pre amp question

Posted: 1 Jan 2015 7:38 pm
by Noel Welsh
When running the Revelation mono direct to board should I use the left or right XLR output. Would it be any advantage to hook them togrther with a y cord?

Posted: 2 Jan 2015 4:25 am
by mtulbert
Hi Noel,

Happy New Year. It makes no difference which Output you use. Same signal comes out of both. I don't see any need to Y them together. The only time you might consider using both is if you had a stereo effects unit running in parallel and needed the effect to be in stereo.


Mark T.

Posted: 2 Jan 2015 6:25 am
by Noel Welsh
Hi Mark
Happy New Year to you!
That's exactly what I needed to know. Thanks for the info