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Author Topic:  What to look for in advanced lessons
Curt Trisko

St. Paul, Minnesota, USA
Post  Posted 21 Nov 2014 9:16 pm    
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I've been playing steel for two and a half years. Aside from a single lesson and this forum, I am self taught. I feel like I'm running out of steam with making progress with the instrument and so am considering doing some lessons.

When you've been playing that long and already know the basics, what should you focus on for lessons? I feel good about my technique and know that it takes practice to improve that more so than lessons anyway. I'd like to improve my recall speed for music theory vis a vis the standard E9 competent, but again that's more a matter of practice.

The best things I can think of are some help with amp/electronics regarding the things only years of experience can teach you as well as to just have a teacher observe me and make a list of what needs the most improvement.

The main reason I need rejuvenation is that I'm reaching a point of sophistication with the steel where it is becoming mentally taxing and I often don't have the mental energy to put into it. If a teacher could break it down for me and make it simpler and more organized, I'll be able to take bigger and bigger bites of it.
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Bill C. Buntin


Cleburne TX
Post  Posted 22 Nov 2014 6:54 pm    
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Curt, very understandable. You describe very well your intentions.

I had the good fortune of having Reece Anderson get me started. Reece was a very wonderful teacher and had a way of understanding to a great depth the conundrums we often create for ourselves.

If you do Skype there are a lot people who would help out.

I don't know mark van Allen but I've seen some of material he uses.

I don't thi k you could go wrong with mark.
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