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Jeff A. Smith


Angola,Ind. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2003 8:30 pm    
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I'm wondering if any of you guys have developed a systematic method for tuning your 3rd's between JI & ET by ear. I've heard people discuss just raising them to where they sound about right, and I've also seen ways of doing it with a tuner.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever found some way of systematically tuning the thirds by ear, say 7 or 8 cents flat of ET, so that it will be the same everytime.

I like being able to tune to JI by ear. I've tried tuning the 3rd's only 8 cents flat of ET and like that sometimes, but I'm bothered by having to use the tuner.

The only possibility that occurs to me so far is counting beats, similar to what's done in piano tuning.

Thanks in advance,


[This message was edited by Jeff A. Smith on 23 April 2003 at 09:32 PM.]

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John Steele (deceased)


Renfrew, Ontario, Canada
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2003 9:07 pm    
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If there's anything subjective, it's, for what it's worth..and no more:
As a result of the study of the JI charts vs. ET, and a great tuning method proposed by forumite Steve Feldman, this is what I've been doing lately:
-Tune the E's straight up pedals down
-Tune the thirds (A pedal 5th/10th string C# and third string/ 6th string open G#) 5 cents flat of straight up on the tuner.
- Tune the 5th string open to 4th string by harmonic'ing the 4th at the 15th fret, and tuning the 5th (and 10th) string beatless to it by harmonic'ing at the 24th fret.
- Tuning the remaining changes straight up to the tuner.

It's very much a compromise, some parts of it mathmatical, some of it beat-conscious, and some of it intuitive, but it works for me. It's not anybody else's method, it's just mine, so can tell me I'm crazy if ya want.
p.s. I'm talking E9 here. With the C6 neck, I tune every change straight up, no exceptions. Too many variables. - J

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Earnest Bovine

Los Angeles CA USA
Post  Posted 23 Apr 2003 9:27 pm    
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I can't find my posts on this but b0b explains it really well in this thread:
Scroll about 2/3 down and look for b0b's diagram.
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C Dixon


Duluth, GA USA
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2003 8:41 am    
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I tune EVERYthing I can to pure JI. That is, NO beats except in those cases where ET has to be, in order to sound right. Such as the 9th string on E9th; the 5th sring on C6 with pedal 5 engaged; or the 6th string (C6) with pedal 6 engaged.

When I say pure JI, I mean I use harmonics to achieve "zero" beat between harmonics on specific strings. This means I have to compensate the F#'s on E9th with the A pedal down while picking strings 1 (or 7) and strings 5 or 10.

I am finding that some players are (as you suggest) tuning between "pure" JI and ET. An 'oft comment I have heard is,

"I tune the thirds as sharp as I can stand them."

A little thought concerning this I believe, should tell us something.

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Bobby Lee

Cloverdale, California, USA
Post  Posted 24 Apr 2003 9:21 am    
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To temper tune between JI and ET by ear, tune to JI and then raise the thirds until you hear 2 or 3 beats per second.

If you want to be more precise, use a tuner first then listen closely and memorize the speed of the beats.

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Roland Handsonic, Line 6 Variax
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