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Author Topic:  Slants and Half-Peddling
Gino Iorfida


Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2003 3:15 pm    
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Was playing around today, and am finding that some things are easier and faster by utilizing these techniques that have seemed to be less common.

I just find it easier and faster when going from A + B down to 1/2A or 1/2A + B than to pull off and use a vertical (which I've now put my G# -F# drop on the 6th, which is working better)... ehh who needs tunable splits

Secondly, I've seen a couple licks where I would go with A + B down on the 10th hitting strings 3 + 5 in a diad, pulling off the A + B pedals, sliding the bar up to the 15th fret (then walking 15th, 14th, 13th etc all with no pedals), back to a A+ B down on the 10th again.. well I found it easier to just HOLD the A + B down, and only have ot move the bar up to 13/13 slanted, and walk down... now I'm only moving my left hand and not left hand + pedaling = a lot of saved movements.

I know I'm still 'wet behind the ears' compared to most of ya'll on here, but does anyone else notice thie being easer as well?

[This message was edited by Gino Iorfida on 19 April 2003 at 05:23 AM.]

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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2003 3:24 pm    
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Interesting ideas, If it works... then do it, if not don't.
But it now gives you two ways to do it, and with a possible change in tone.
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Lee Baucum

McAllen, Texas (Extreme South) The Final Frontier
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2003 6:00 pm    
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And don't forget. The less you use the pedals, the longer your 3rd and 5th strings last before they break!

Lee, from South Texas
Down On The Rio Grande

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Bobbe Seymour


Hendersonville TN USA, R.I.P.
Post  Posted 18 Apr 2003 10:15 pm    
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Pedals and knee levers? You guys should have the most control over your hands, more than other body apendages, so use you hands to do slants and reverses,learn to play the guitar first with the hands, then use other body parts, all but one, which we have very little control over anyway. Mine almost ruined my life! No lever for it yet anyway, Good night Carolina Charlie,
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