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Author Topic:  Possible sabatoge of PedalSteel.US Magazine
Kevin Hatton


Buffalo, N.Y.
Post  Posted 14 Apr 2003 7:59 pm    
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Today I received many emails erroneously sent
to me from people supposedly sending email to
Terry Wendt at PedalSteel.US Magazine. The email said to put remove in the subject line and send it in reply. I just spoke to Terry Wendt. Terry had NOTHING to do with the origin of this email. It looks like someone is purposely trying to sabotage the new magazine before it gets started.
Here is the situation. Somehow Terry is getting hundreds of emails from out of no where from people asking him to remove them from the email list. He cannot legally at this point re-email people to explain the situation. I and hundreds of others are getting other people's emails addressed to the magazine asking to be removed from the mailing list. Someone has purposely created a spam loop to destroy Terry's email data base. Someone who has obviously thought this out quite a bit. It has done alot of damage.
Here's what you need to do. Email Terry at the following address. "". Ask Terry to continue to be included in the email list. Please pass the word. Who ever did this to Terry is raw evil and has an agenda. Terry is very upset. I am going to research this through my web provider. Who ever did this is going to be found. I'll guarantee it. I may be wrong, but it looks deliberate.
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David L. Donald

Koh Samui Island, Thailand
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2003 5:13 am    
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It is a small possibility.. very small.

But it is much more likely a new virus that just hit him like many other servers around the world. Let's not get paranoid or make Terry paranoid too.
Terry Buck-up you'll get through this.
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Post  Posted 15 Apr 2003 8:43 am    
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I too have gotten emails from people asking to be 'removed'. They appear to be coming from, but they are coming to me. So please - everyone STOP replying to all this stuff now.

1) Spam rule #1 - never, never, never reply to spam asking to be removed. That's how the spammers know somone is on the other end of the line. Ignore the message, delete the messages. Never open spam.
2) work with your ISP to install or initiate spam filtering if you get a lot of spam.
3) run your virus checkers.

Unfortunately this is a rather common exploit and complaint from users. The
spammer is avoiding the trouble of handling all of their own bounced mail and
complaints from unhappy recipients. Or as suggested there is a virus afoot.

If someone still has the original spam, open the original spam mail (the one you wanted to be removed from), copy the full header information and then paste the contents into a reply to this thread - everyone here then will have that header info. to forward on to your ISP support team. Perhaps we can find the spammer and shut them down.

In Outlook Express and similar mail clients there is usually a
"View" or "Tool" selection to enable viewing of the full headers. Sometimes
selecting the message, then right clicking and selecting "Properties" and
then "Detail" will show the message headers. The full headers include the
path the message followed from the original sender through all the mail
servers handling the message, and should include an IP address of the
originator. We may be able to gain some information from that.


Chris Kennison
Ft. Collins, Colorado
"There is no spoon"

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Cloverdale, CA, USA
Post  Posted 15 Apr 2003 7:13 pm    
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Here's what you need to do. Email Terry at the following address. "". Ask Terry to continue to be included in the email list. Please pass the word.
I can't believe you said that, Kevin. First of all, Terry is stating publicly that he doesn't send out mass mailings. Secondly, you have no guarantee that sending an email to that address won't compound the problem.

I'm closing this topic.

               Bobby Lee
-System Administrator
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