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Author Topic:  Quilter Amp Demo
Alvin Douglas


Prince Edward Island
Post  Posted 13 Mar 2015 5:21 am    
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A friend and I spent a very enjoyable hour with Jerry Tillman yesterday doing everything possible to Quilter amps. We brought 2 amps to the session with us, a Fender Blues Deluxe and a Peavey 40 watt Vyper. We also brought 2 guitars, a Fender deluxe strat and an Epiphone 335. Some things are really worth mentioning. First, Jerry really knows these amps and eagerly provides info about them. Second, we left agreeing with Jerry. The amp with the 8" speaker is beyond impressive. I had read everything I could about these amps in preparation for the demo session but I went into it thinking "I have no interest in and amp with an 8" speaker." I came away from the session thinking "I am going to buy the amp with the 8" speaker". Is my Blues deluxe a sweet sounding amp? Yes it is. Did it get outdone but the Quilter? With the Fender set up in it's sweet spot, it would sort of compete with a similar volume on the quilter but the range of control, the ability of the Quilter to maintain the same tone at all volumes was very very impressive. The Peavey made some pleasing sounds when used with the strat but generally it was out of it's league, same as the Fender. Thanks to Jerry for taking the time to show us these amps. He made believers out of my friend and me.
Fender American Deluxe Telecaster, Gibson Les Paul Standard, Quilter MicroPro 8.
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