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Author Topic:  Shane McCauley benefit (Texas)
Albert Talley


Cleburne, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 3 Oct 2014 7:26 pm    
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Join us to help Shane on October 19, 3pm-8pm.
Western Kountry Klub: 5728 Lakeview Drive, Grand Prairie, TX, United States 76065 (817) 800-4585. For more information, call Slaton at 817-202-8454.

Shane is a great guy, a great drummer & a friend to a lot of us. He’s worked in several bands, such as Vince Vance and the Valiants, Connie Smith, Jim Collins, Stallion, Longhorn Band and many more. He also has a recording studio in Arlington, TX. Shane has played a lot benefits over the years and used his studio as a means to help out some of his music friends and now he himself is in need of help. Even if you know Shane, you may not know all that he’s been through in past few months. Back on December 10th of this past winter when we had all the ice storms, he slipped on the ice, fell and broke his hip and wrist. While in the hospital for these injuries, he had a heart attack from the pain and stress. His medical bills are ENORMOUS. The benefit is to help Shane with his medical bills. Bankruptcy may be in the near future for him if he can’t find a way to pay some of the bills. Smile
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