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Jimmy Day, the Drifting Cowboy

Posted: 3 Sep 2014 2:02 pm
by Sonny Jenkins
Here is a pic of Jimmy with Hank Williams on a Hayride Tour

Posted: 3 Sep 2014 4:28 pm
by Terry Wood
Awesome! Thanks for sharing that picture.


Posted: 3 Sep 2014 4:32 pm
by Don Euton
Thanks for posting. Jimmy was probably 17-18 years old. Sonny, is that Ray Price standing to the right of Hank?

Don Euton

Posted: 3 Sep 2014 5:04 pm
by Greg Cutshaw
My guess for to the right of Hank is:

Rupert Robert "Bob" McNett (Lead Guitar): Born: 10/16/25 Roaring Branch, PA.

Posted: 3 Sep 2014 7:44 pm
by Jack Harper
i beleive that is tommy bishop and the fender pre-broadcaster guitar , red sovine, bought it out of the trunk of leo fenders car, in shreveport. i think that picture was taken, dec 17th on the last job hank played in texas before his new years eve death. along with day and bishop, floyd cramer played piano and a bass player, called coach.tommy had graduated high school and headed to the hayride and landed the job with red sovine on weekends and hank on travel nights in the week.
the same club was johnny hortons last gig. the continental, seems like.
tommy passed a couple of years ago, i think he was 78 or 79.

Posted: 4 Sep 2014 6:25 am
by Herb Steiner
I think you're right about the date in Shreveport with Jimmy, but incorrect about his last gig. The last gig was at the Skyline Club in Austin. You are "correct" in that Johnny Horton's last gig was also at the Skyline Club.

Horton went off back to LA with Tommy Tomlinson and Tillman Franks after the gig and had the wreck in Milano TX. Warren Stark (owner of the Skyline) told me the story personally. He was asked to identify the victims. Tomlinson and Franks both survived. The State Trooper said the deceased victim, the driver of the car, wore a toupee and Warren told the LEO that was Johnny Horton.

In an additional bizarre coincidence, both Hank and Horton were married to the same woman at the time of their respective demises.

Posted: 4 Sep 2014 8:51 am
by Sonny Jenkins
Jimmy told me that he and Cramer decided to come to Shreveport, one was still in school and the other came first (forgot which one, but I think Jimmy came first), the other one stayed and graduated then joined him in Shreveport.

I found that picture in a Hank Williams book while browsing in the library.

Herbster,,,I had forgotten about Hank and Johnny both being married to billie jean (?) ,,,,amazing coincidence!!!

Posted: 4 Sep 2014 11:50 am
by Ben Rubright
Hey Herbster:

Most every time that I see you I bug you about writing a book. I used to bug Bobbe as well and tell him that the 2 of you should collaborate on one.

You have so much 'steel guitar world' historical knowledge that needs NOT to be lost. We have already lost his knowledge except for what he wrote in his weekly newsletters.

You never post anything that I do not read. I know that writing a book is a very daunting about just picking a topic/era/etc. and 'dumping' it into a (tape) recorder from time to time? How about a thread entitled 'Herb Remembers....' to which you and only a select few (chosen by you} could post? I know that I would get up before daylight every day to read it. I suspect that I am not alone.

I don't wish to have you committed to another full time (unpaid) job but I promise you that I WILL nudge you again the next time that I see you (TSGA).

With best regards,

Ben Rubright, FL

Posted: 4 Sep 2014 3:18 pm
by Frank Freniere
What a great photo - thanks, Sonny!

Posted: 5 Sep 2014 3:26 pm
by Herb Steiner
When I began playing music professionally I just started paying attention and asked a few questions from others who knew things, that's all.

Re: Jimmy Day, the Drifting Cowboy

Posted: 5 Sep 2014 4:22 pm
by Rick Barnhart
Sonny Jenkins wrote:Image
Maybe I missed it up there, but does anyone know who the kid in the picture is?


Posted: 5 Sep 2014 5:12 pm
by Curtis Alford
The boy in the picture may be Jerry Kennedy.
He was 10 years old when hanging the Hayride.

Posted: 6 Sep 2014 6:17 am
by Sonny Jenkins
Curtis, I don't think we know where, or exactly when that pic was taken. The Hayride did "package" tours featuring members of the Hayride and using staff band. The low ceiling certainly doesn't look like the Municipal Auditorium where the Hayride was held (before moving to Bossier after Hank's demise). I think the pic could have been in any number of locations,,,within a fairly broad time frame. JMHO.

Posted: 6 Sep 2014 7:04 am
by Barry Blackwood
It might have been in a dressing room. They were certainly suited up to put on a show.

Posted: 6 Sep 2014 7:54 am
by Sonny Jenkins
Yeah,,,the caption just said "a hayride tour",,,,probably be kinda difficult to say for sure who the kid is,,,,,as a matter of fact,,,,looks kinda like ME!!,,,,I would have been about that age,,,,LOL!!!

Posted: 1 Dec 2014 9:29 pm
by Jeffery Self
Another great photo of the modern day cowboy :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: