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Posted: 15 Feb 2003 3:30 am
by Jim Smith
I'm pretty sure it was Tom Bradshaw that talked about converting Dekleys. I'm pretty sure he could tell you which other brands would be easy to convert. You can email him at
Posted: 15 Feb 2003 7:13 am
by Fred Einspruch
Don't think about converting to lefty. Its a bad idea. JUst bite the bullet and learn regular right hand method, its not that hard, take it from me.
I write left handed, but when I started 6 string, a long time ago, I learned regular right hand style. This is very handy, since if you are ever away from your guitar, and you pick up someone else's guitar, you can play it with no problem. Lots better than sayn DUHHH!
This is even more true with PSG. First you will have to search high and low for a left handed instrument, or pay money to have one specially built for you (good luck selling this one if you ever want to). And if you ever want another guitar (lets say you want to trade up or get a nice vintage Emmons)you are still SOL!
Currently I am taking PSG lessons. Luckily, my instructor has several PSG's at his place.
This means that I do not have to haul my PSG over to his place for a lesson! If I learned to play a custom made left handed instument, once again SOL!
Since you are just learning you will be much better off in the long run by learning the regular style. I don't say this often, but in this case, normal is better. Think about it and good luck,Fred
Posted: 15 Feb 2003 8:18 am
by Jerry Erickson
I converted a lefty Mullen and the only parts that were different were the end plates and the changer fingers. It's the only one I've done, so I don't know if other manufacturers do the same thing. You've also got to be pretty precise with the positioning of the changer,and other parts that are going to go on "backwards". LLoyd Green and Curly Chalker are/were lefty players that played conventional insturments.
Posted: 15 Feb 2003 9:51 pm
by Michael Johnstone
There's a red lefty Sho-Bud on the Carter website swapshop.