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scale length re weisseborn

Posted: 13 Aug 2014 10:58 pm
by Alex Burns
Hi Folks iam about to having built a weissenborn steel for C#m7 tuning,would appreciate any suggestions for the scale length,as I find a 25 inch scale on my nationals thins out too much in this high tuning
b d e g# c# e (low to high)
Alex Burns

Posted: 14 Aug 2014 5:59 am
by Tom Pettingill
I find a 25 inch scale on my nationals thins out too much in this high tuning
When you say Nationals, are you talking about a reso style instrument?

Posted: 14 Aug 2014 5:12 pm
by Liz Williams
I'll be very interested to see what others - especially luthiers - have to say about this. I have a Bear Creek Kona with a 23" scale in C6 (CEGACE) and will be switching it to A6 so I can hear more of the bass this guitar has to offer. It's not thin-sounding in C6, and it's very even string-to-string, it's just brighter overall than I want it to be.

re scale length

Posted: 15 Aug 2014 9:56 pm
by Alex Burns
Hi guys yes I am talking about reso national tricone I am aware of the 23 1/2 scale on the Kona. This was built originally for Bob Brozman who was tuning way up in open I am tuning in c#m7.not sure what to go electric Sierra is 24 1/4 and is great for this tuning.but then the electric lap steel is a different beast

Posted: 16 Aug 2014 6:48 am
by Tom Pettingill
I'm certainly no expert, but I wonder if the thin issue on the tricone is more about the lower mass of the lighter strings struggling to drive the cones.

The method of sound generation on a Weiss style instrument is different and largely a function of the top / sound board. Less mass in the lighter strings will still be in play, but knowing that, my best guess is that a good builder can optimize around that and offer the best advice.