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Author Topic:  Peterson VS-II Sticky Ruber Outer Cover ???
Kevin Raymer

Chalybeate, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2014 1:32 pm    
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Thsi may not be the place to poste this, but I have a 10 year or so old Peterson VS-II strobe tuner.

The Blue Outer cover that I think is made of hard Rubber had become sorta "Sticky".

It has NOT had anything spilled on it.

It was in storage for 6-7 years as I was out of music for a time.

It was in my climater controlled basement in tote so it hasn't been HOT or COLD.

I've cleaned it with several things and can find no apparent residue.

It's like the rubber has degraged or something and it's sticky to the touch..

Anybody else seen this kind of thing ??

Any suggestions as to what I can do to clean / restore it ??

Kevin Raymer
Zum / Knaggs / Breedlove
Fractal Audio
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Ron Whitworth

Yuma,Ariz.USA Yeah they say it's a DRY heat !!
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2014 2:44 pm    
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Hi Kevin;
If no one comes up with an answer for you -
my suggestion would be to contact Sue at Peterson & she can probably help you out.
She is VERY customer/service orientated & will go above & beyond to get it fixed for you.

Maybe someone else has had this happen before?
I have not heard of this happening.

My .02c
"Tone is in the hands. Unless your wife will let you buy a new amp. Then it's definitely in that amp."

We need to turn the TWANG up a little

It's not what you play through, it's what you play through it.

They say that tone is all in the fingers...I say it is all in your head Smile

Some of the best pieces of life are the little pieces all added up..Ron

the value of friendship. Old friends shine like diamonds, you can always call them and - most important - you can't buy them.
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Glenn Uhler


Trenton, New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 2 Jul 2014 2:50 pm     Icky Sticky
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Sounds like, for some reason, the chemical that makes the cover "rubbery" came to the surface. Hopefully, Petersons can help you. If not, get some talcum powder from the drug store and rub the sticky parts with the powder. Should get rid of the sticky.
1974 Marlen S-12 1968 Tele 1969 Martin D-35H
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