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Author Topic:  Sho Bud Pro rack & barrel tuning
Tim Bridges


Hoover, Alabama, USA
Post  Posted 27 Dec 2002 7:02 am    
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Probably an question that's been covered before, but I'll ask it again. The barrel tuners each have a tension spring. I've noticed that some of my springs are not wound with as many coils as others. Should they be about the same on each barrel? When tuning, I've been told to adjust the barrel tuner about 50% where it sets behind the rack. Get the pedals adjusted as you like and start tuning. First tune the strings in the open E9. Next with the allen tuners for each rod. If the Allen tuners can't provide the adequate number of turns, adjust the barrel accordingly. Is this the correct method or am I missing something? Thanks in advance for your replies.
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Kenny Davis

Great State of Oklahoma
Post  Posted 27 Dec 2002 7:13 pm    
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Tim - It's been a while since I had that set-up, but I think you're going about it in the right sequence. As far as the springs go, I'm thinking they all should be the same. The fewer the coils, the less adjustment you'd have. I'm sure someone here has a guitar like yours will chime in...
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