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Author Topic:  Thank you Ronald Cid/ Facebook 2.0
Mike Perlowin

Los Angeles CA
Post  Posted 29 Jun 2014 9:22 am    
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In the now closed thread about Facebook, Ronald Cid wrote “Recently a well known player has used Facebook and in particular one of my sites and advertised his goods.....I by passed rule 3 and let him/her post his goods...I believed that the product was extremely important for our fellow players, to be at least exposed to the product. I even took the time to write to that person the details including the rules and regulations, and my personal view of the product.

That same person recently posted a negative posting about Facebook. If the site is so negative, then why are you posting your goods on the site to it the fact that there are over 15K potential clients...sales?”

I am the person involved, and the product is the Chalker DVD.

First I want to thank publicly Ronald for bending the rules to allow me to mention this, and also apologize to him if I offended him.

Clearly, Ronald is using Facebook the way it should be used. For him, it is a way of communicating with steel guitarists who might not be members of this forum.

But Facebook itself can be abused by scammers and Phishers. I’ve been targeted more than once by people who first friended me, then told me some sob story and asked me to send them money.

Ronald, you have my thanks and my gratitude. I truly appreciate your allowing me to mention the DVD, and what you wrote about it. Nevertheless, I still choose not to be involved with Facebook. I have too much stuff to do, and not enough time to do it. I already spend too much time on line, and need to be less involved with internet stuff, not more.
Please visit my web site and Soundcloud page and listen to the music posted there.
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