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Kevin Raymer

Chalybeate, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 5 Jun 2014 9:24 pm    
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Hello all,

One of the legs on my MSA has a slight bend where the 1/2 -13 threads attach to the end of the leg,

After you get it screwed in you don't notice it so much but as it's screwing in its (as my grandpa would say) "kinda sigogglin". It's got about a 2 inch wobble to it as it screws in.


I know there's an insert in the end of the leg that the threads are made onto.
Is there anywhere to get a replacement insert anybody knows of ??
Is my OCD gonna require I buy a new leg ??

(I really gotta get back on my meds...)


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Donny Hinson


Glen Burnie, Md. U.S.A.
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 3:07 am    
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Normally, it's the leg tube that bends, not the insert. If that's the case, you can drive the insert out of the bad leg with a long piece of rod and use it in a new leg (made from a mike stand). Lots of times, you can find used mike stands for $10-$15, or you can order a new mike stand tube assembly for around $30.

(New steel legs normally sell for $40-$50 each.)
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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 3:39 am    
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I'm interested to learn that 1/2 x 13 is regarded as stout enough for a steel. My old D10 has chunky 3/4 x 10 threads on the legs. I'm in the process of building an S12 and the largest tap and die in the set I have is the 1/2 x 13 so I'm heartened to discover that it's viable.
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Kevin Raymer

Chalybeate, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 6 Jun 2014 4:13 pm    
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Well. I'm pretty sure it's 1/2 by 13..


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Ian Rae

Redditch, England
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2014 5:11 am    
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I don't doubt you, Kevin. I just recently got interested in thread sizes. My D10 is heavy and I think whoever built it was playing safe with 3/4" - I don't need anything that big for the S12 I'm making. I'm sure I've seen 5/8" mentioned in the past but I shall give 1/2" a go and see how it feels.
Make sleeping dogs tell the truth!
Homebuilt keyless U12 7x5, Excel keyless U12 8x8, Williams keyless U12 7x8, Telonics rack and 15" cabs
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2014 7:43 am    
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Kevin, if your threads are 1/2"-13 they can bend right at the base of the threads. You can screw the leg in a 1/2" carriage nut and place the nut in a vice and carefully determine which way the insert is bent, then put enough pressure on the leg and straighten the threaded insert. If the insert is loose you need to knock it out of the leg with a long extension, long small pipe or a piece of rebar, cradle it in a vice and beat it up with a chisel which will serve as increased knurling to make a tight fit. Protect the threads with a couple of washers and the carriage nut and drive the insert back into the leg. If you need a 1/2-13 insert I have some spares so just let me know and I will send you one.
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Kevin Raymer

Chalybeate, Kentucky, USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2014 3:27 pm    
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Thanks, Jerry.

I'll give that a try.

It's definitely a bend at the base of the threads.

The insert is solid in place and the leg itself is straight.

I'll see if I can nudge it back in line without breaking the tip off.



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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 7 Jun 2014 9:43 pm    
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Kevin, I have straightened several and never had one break. I don't think there is any danger of that. It's not hard brittle steel.
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