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Author Topic:  Anyone use peel and stick vinyl fretboards?
Robert Allen


Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2014 2:26 pm    
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I've been using rigid fretboards which are easy to accurately position. I thought I'd try some peel and stick vinyl fretboards, received one and it looks like there could be a problem getting it on straight in the proper position without wrinkles unless I make some expensive jigs and fixtures. Has anyone used these? Were they difficult to put on? Any special trick to it without spending a lot of time and money?
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Bill Mollenhauer


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 19 Apr 2014 2:51 pm    
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I am assuming they are printed vinyl like used in the sign industry. Here is how I would do it.

Lay it down in the position where you want it. Use masking tape to fasten both ends and I would wrap a piece in the middle and go around the neck if a dobro. If a lap steel just run it across the neck. Lift up one end and peal back the backer paper to the center tape and tear it off. Take a credit card and holding the free end, gently, lightly, start smoothing it out from the center to the one end. Remove the center tape and other end tape and pull off the backer from the rest of the fret board decal and smooth it from center to the end. Dont use your fingers to do the smoothing.

If at any time you think it is not in the correct position you can pick it up and reposition it. Just give it a quick upward snap and reposition it. When you are satisfied it is in position take the credit card and go over the fretboard with more pressure. Any small bubbles will go out in a week. If not prick the bubble with a pin and using your finger, work out the air.
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Bill Mollenhauer


New Jersey, USA
Post  Posted 20 Apr 2014 5:10 pm    
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I just occured to me that I forgot something. When you are using the credit card to press down the fretboard with more pressure as the final step, it is best to place a piece of regular copy paper on top of the vinyl fretboard and squeege thru the paper. This will prevent you from scratching the printed frets.
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Robert Allen


Tennessee, USA
Post  Posted 20 Apr 2014 5:21 pm    
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Thanks for the many good suggestions. Instead of the scraping action of a card, I'm going to try a veneer roller with the piece of paper in between as you suggested.
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James Kerr


Scotland, UK
Post  Posted 21 Apr 2014 12:24 pm    
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I print mine out on 2 A4 pieces of Photo Paper on my Ink Jet, place them on the Guitar and cover with a 2mm thick piece of Perspex held down with tiny Brass Screws. I can print any number, in any design I fancy, at any Scale Length required.


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