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Author Topic:  MSA Universal
Chas Friedman


Wimberley, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2002 6:13 pm    
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I saw a used MSA 12 string PSG for sale recently. It was marked "Universal". It wasn't in very good tune, so it was hard for me to tell exactly what the tuning was supposed to be. I'm guessing it was the usual U12 tuning (top 9 strings like E9 with D missing, etc). Is that likely correct? If so, could it also be tuned in the Extended E9 tuning and function properly? (Not that I would necessarily do that...) It seemed to be in nice condition, but I haven't played it - I'm intending to do that next week. The price was around $1300. If it is really in good playing condition does that seem reasonable? Thanks for any comments!
chas f
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Al Marcus

Cedar Springs,MI USA (deceased)
Post  Posted 7 Sep 2002 7:49 pm    
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Charles- If the MSA was the "Universal" then it was maple wood with alum pocket for the pickup.

Triple Raise and Triple lower. It usually has the E9/B6 tuning on it and may be 8 pedals and 5 knee levers.

But you can tune it for the Extended E9 and put the D in there but you would usually drop the low B. Then the lowest note would be E.

As far as price goes, it really depends on Cosmetic and Mechanical condition. If you do a search on MSA, you will see anywhere from $900, to $1800. Good
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