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15 years old today.

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 3:08 am
by Micky Byrne
I hope I'm not boring you with this, but today is my 15th year on my new heart. I had my transplant on March 9th 1999. My website tells all. I still may be possible to have an Aortic Aneurism in the tummy area repaired later in the year. I went to a different hospital yesterday and got the good news that it's not too bad at the moment :D and they will be keeping an eye on me with Scans.. This has nothing to do with my transplant. The big Aorta vessel belongs to the "old" heart. Isn't science just great to give some of us a second chance to live.Take care each day to the full. KEEP BUYING STEELS AND AMPS :lol:

Take care all.

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 3:23 am
by Roy Heap
Happy Birthday old mate, glad to hear all is pretty good for you.
Is it really the heart keeping you going or that pedal steel? :lol:
Great to hear from you Micky take care
Aunty Sylvi sends her love.x

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 3:28 am
by Micky Byrne
Hi Uncle Roy..and Aunty Syl....yes it is the heart lol...actually my donor played the violin and piano...he was into Classical music. Take care...send me your e'mail to the hospital now for the check up.

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 4:40 am
by Malcolm McMaster
Well done Micky,we hope to have you around for many many years, Cheers Mate. :D

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 4:42 am
by Don Poland
Happy Birthday Micky!! I know you celebrate this birthday as a celebration of your life and your donors life. Good on you!!! Hope to wish you many more!

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 7:08 am
by Bent Romnes
Happy Heart Birthday Micky!

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 7:36 am
by Tony Glassman
Mick - My liver will be 15 years old this upcoming July 5th. The rest of me will be 65. Theoretically it's my best and youngest part.

Oh well, all donated and transplanted organs are just life support system improvements to maintain a longer & happier a steel guitar obsession

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 1:08 pm
by David Nutt
Well done Mick,god bless ya.

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 7:04 pm
by Ken Lang
Congrats Mick. Another year you give us transplants a hope. Unlike Tony, I'm only going on 6 years.

Still, I'm keeping it in good shape for the next guy.

Posted: 9 Mar 2014 8:09 pm
by Brendan Mitchell
Congrats Mick
I'm coming up for 14 years with a new liver . It just amazes me what the doctors can do these days , I would not have been here the last 13 years without my gift .

Re: 15 years old today.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 5:16 am
by Micky Byrne
Sorry double post ;-)

Re: 15 years old today.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 5:16 am
by Micky Byrne
Hi everybody...just got back from the Transplant hospital on our M-25 motorway. To my American friends it's sometimes referred to as the Largest car park in the world :lol: always traffic holdups or "boy races" showing how fast they can drive with the powerfull car "rich daddy bought for them" :D

Anyway.. all is well with they new used heart, and I was reassured about the Anuerysm should I need to have it repaired. I told the Doc, I'm eating healthy now, and lost 14 pounds "in case" The Anuerysm operation comes up. He said yes eat healthy, but have a "spoil" day and if I wanted a big steak...go for it or life will just get boring..Good advice.

Thankyou all for the well wishes. God bless!

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Re: 15 years old today.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 5:25 am
by Micky Byrne
sorry if there's a double post

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 5:39 am
by Ray Gehringer
Congrats and God Bless.

Mickey Byrne's Fifteen/th Birthday

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 7:23 am
by Bernie Gonyea
:D :lol: :roll: :D

Hi Mickey : Kim & I certainly congratulate you on reaching 15 years with your new heart; and so happy that you received great news from your Doctors. I wish you the very best, Micckey. May you be around for many more years. Do you still, play the guitar that was ruined & you had it reburished some time ago? Wasn't that guitar a Sho-Bud ? Had you heard that my wife & I moved to Sherman, Texas last Sept. My eldest Daughter I are planning a one day session at " The Big Dallas Jamboree this coming week-end.. { Friday Eve. and a good portion of Sat ]. I've waited 65 years to be able to attend one of these big events. Looking forward to it..Hang in there, Mickey. Warm Wishes and good luck to you, always..Bernie :D

Re: Mickey Byrne's Fifteen/th Birthday

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 7:44 am
by Micky Byrne
Hi Bernie...and yes I still "occasionaly" use the Sho-Bud. I use my Carter universal most of the time. It's far lighter, sounds good, and the mechanics are just great. I guess you know all us older players are going lighter these days.I now have a Roland Cube 80XL ... actually I have two. Most of the time I run that into the cabinet of my Peavey Nashville 400 with the Black Widow, with the Neo magnet...that takes the weight down abit. and a 12" and 15" speaker together sound great. No i didn't know you moved. Keep in touch. Take care.

Micky "Scars" Byrne U.K.

Re: 15 years old today.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 9:17 am
by Micky Byrne
Latest update on my check/up is now updated on my the bottom :)

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 12:52 pm
by Paddy Long
Good news Micky, stay healthy mate and keep those 'interesting' emails coming :-}

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 1:20 pm
by Micky Byrne
Pad....think you've got me confused with a steelie in Glasgow :lol: Take care :)

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 1:29 pm
by Paddy Long
haha you could be right mate ... :lol:

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 1:29 pm
by Rick Schmidt
You just made my day Micky... good on ya!!! 8)

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 1:31 pm
by Micky Byrne
Thanks Rick....have you had heart problems???

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 2:26 pm
by Denny Sarver
Looks like you have a lot of friends on the Forum wishing you good luck Micky. I'll add my good wishes as well. Keep those e-mails coming to me and Spook.....

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 2:41 pm
by Billy Murdoch
I am very happy for You and I hope You will act Your age now that You are a big boy.
Your cheerful attitude is certainly and inspiration to us all.
Watch out for low flying Kiwis(private joke)
Take care My friend, Ann sends Her love too.
From sunny Glasgow

Posted: 11 Mar 2014 1:48 am
by Micky Byrne
Thanks Billy and Ann...bless you...Dennis, this is one heck of the best websites "ever" we make alot of friends here...I joined this as a member in December 2005...9 years of interesting reading :D Thank you too for the good wishes :D

Micky "scars" Byrne U.K.