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Who can rent me a steel in Nashville Aug 25?

Posted: 22 Aug 2002 1:28 pm
by Greg Schultz

I am flying down from Chicago to play at a club in Nashville this Sunday evening, August 25. I need to rent a steel for the show at 3rd and Lindsley. I need an E9 3 pedal 4 knee, any decent brand and model. My regular steel is a (fabulous) SB Lloyd Green.

Please help...let me know if you know of an individual or business that would be willing to rent a guitar for the one night. I promise to take good care of the steel.

Email me of call my cell at 312-8025033


Posted: 22 Aug 2002 4:24 pm
by Al Miller
Call bobbe seymoure at steel guitar nashville i bet he will be able to help,he is in goodlettsville i believe and also a meber of this forum you might find him here!!

Posted: 22 Aug 2002 4:34 pm
by Greg Schultz
Thanks for the tip. Unfortunately, I have already tried Bobbe without any luck.