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Harlin MultiKord

Posted: 6 Aug 2002 2:08 pm
by Gary Morrison
I just bought a Harlin MultiKord, and it's missing one of the cables for the pedal. The guitar has six pedals, only five cables. Anyone have any idea where I might be able to find a cable for this guitar? Thanks!

Posted: 6 Aug 2002 3:09 pm
by Ed Naylor
I possibly have one in the pile of old parts, but you may try a bicycle or motorcycle shop and possibly they have a Clutch or brake cable that could be adapted. Ed Naylor Steel Guitar Works.

Posted: 6 Aug 2002 9:05 pm
by Al Marcus
I had one of those in the 50's and didn't like the cables, too sloppy. so I made up some welding rods, with hooks so the guitar can still be folded up and put in the case. Worked real well. Good Image

Posted: 9 Aug 2002 8:23 am
by Willis Vanderberg
Go to the airport and talk to a A&P mechanic.They can fix you up .Aircraft cable is about as good as it gets and comes in many sizes

Posted: 12 Aug 2002 3:12 pm
by Dr. Hugh Jeffreys
Forget about the rudder cables!!That's baloney. I used a Harlin Bros Multikord (still have it) when I recorded at the Sun Studio in Memphis. I soon learned that the cables were not strong enough for my tunings. I bought and installed screen door braces with turnbuckles. That solved the problem for good. === Hugh