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Dallas Seminar ( Final Update)

Posted: 28 Jan 2014 10:14 am
by Buck Reid
As you may know the 2014 TSGA show in Dallas is fast approaching! With regard to the seminar the day before, my plan is to have printed material for each attendee to have and take with them for future reference. I'm requesting that those who plan to attend, pre-register so I know how much material to prepare. This will also help offset some of the costs involved. Thank you to those who have already registered and to those who plan to for your cooperation. Here's a link to my original post and also one to the TSGA website... both with info on how to register.

Looking forward to a great show again this year!


Posted: 4 Feb 2014 1:21 pm
by Richard Ingley

Posted: 5 Feb 2014 7:59 am
by Richard Damron

Posted: 3 Mar 2014 4:18 pm
by Buck Reid
Only ten days until the TSGA show and I'm really looking forward to being there and seeing friends. Many have already registered for the seminar on the 13th and I thank you all! There are still seats available so come join us and please register now if you're planning to attend and want to be sure to have a seat. Here are the links again with info on how to do so... or just email me directly at


See you all soon!

Sincere thanks,


Buck Reid seminar

Posted: 3 Mar 2014 11:13 pm
by pdl20
come on guys ,don't miss this seminar. it will be worth the money. and we all know how good Buck plays and to have close contact and be able to ask questions and have him explain the how and why of what he does is priceless.

Posted: 3 Mar 2014 11:23 pm
by Sid Hudson
Getting a lesson from Buck is a chance of a life time.

If you are only looking for one reason to attend the Dallas Show, here it is.

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 6:16 pm
by Richard Ingley

Posted: 10 Mar 2014 6:33 pm
by Jonathan Lam
I wish I was attending dalls to take a seminar with buck. Hes a great a patient teacher, and one of the most musical players around.