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Author Topic:  Can you tell the difference between Emmons & Murphy?
Ray Montee

Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Post  Posted 24 Jan 2014 2:56 pm    
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Some find Joaquin Murphy's single string style to be more exciting than the currently popular speed picking utilized by a majority of players.

What do you think makes this a truism? Or do you disagree?

Like the late great Jethro Burns and Chet Atkins, you can often hear a simple phrase from another song stuck in here or there. That is something that I found Joaquin doing ever so often. It gives a boundless burst of energy to an otherwise so-so per-formance and.......... unlike a horn blower, you can throw in a full chord here and there and that will certainly create a great deal of audience interest.

I'm interested in your take on this subject.
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Willie Sims


Post  Posted 25 Jan 2014 10:36 am    
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I have been listening to Buddy Emmons, every Since he played, in a band with the name of Henry Shropshire. I thought then that he was influenced by joaquin Murphy, anyone that could duplicate the Oklahoma stomp as close as Buddy. Had to be influenced by Murphy. in my opinion, I thought Buddy did a better job, but not by much.

I never read or heard any thing a bout, Buddy, acknowledging that Murphy was a influenced on his playing style.
Willie sims
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