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Willie Sims


Post  Posted 29 Dec 2013 8:07 am    
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Craig since you are the only one who wanted to know how to repair a third string, I said I would give the instruction on how to do it.
First thing you need to do is be sure you have enough extra string 0N your tuning key Shaft.
You will need the brass ball and some type of cutter, and the best thing I have found to hold the brass balls is a pair of the Little locking,pliers they are called hemastates like doctors use to put stitches in cuts.

You can get them at pharmacies or maybe your doctor will give you one Just be sure the pointed end is small enough to go through the hole in the little brass ball.
When the string breaks at the changer end, put thelittle brass ball on the pliers/lock the pliers and put the string around the ball/hold tension on the string, now Rap the broken end of the string a round string be sure to wrap the string straight around like you were making a hangman knot/or just like a new string, do not wrap it like were wrapping a loaf of bread. I hope you can get some use from this
thanks for your interest
Willie sims
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