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Brand new to Pedal steel

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 5:12 pm
by Ryan Lacey
Hi guys, just got a Carter Starter and I managed to set it up and get it in tune. I am just looking for a good practice routine, and tracks to start to try to play. Suggestions?

Thanks in advance

Posted: 26 Dec 2013 5:51 pm
by Douglas Schuch

Many people, me included, still thing Winnie Winston's book "Pedal Steel Guitar" is as good as anything to start. Many people have Youtube videos that have basic beginner info. Mickey Adams' videos stand out, I think, for good instruction and sheer volume of it, but there are others - easy Youtube search. I would recommend getting a basic beginner's book or take lessons unless you are pretty experienced or gifted musically. Welcome to the forum and the world of pedal steel guitar!

You will also find a huge amounts of instructional material right here on the forum, but you have to search and sift to figure out what is right for your level - that's the advantage of a book or instructor - they start basic and slowly work up as your skills increase, and build on previously-learned skills. Randomly going through Youtube videos will not accomplish that.


Posted: 26 Dec 2013 6:10 pm
by Ryan Lacey
Thanks Doug, I'll check out that book, appreciate the info


Posted: 26 Dec 2013 8:18 pm
by Dick Wood
Find someone in your area that teaches and stick with them for a few months. I may have never learned to play had I tried to go it alone.

A teacher will keep you focused and help keep you from forming bad habits that can be tough to break later on.

Good luck and have fun.

Posted: 27 Dec 2013 4:08 am
by Carl Kilmer
Hi Ryan, where in IL. do you live. If your not too far away from
me, maybe I can help you get started. I live 10 miles south of
Marshall which is at the juntion of RT 70 and IL. RT 1. If your
close enough, send me an email and we can get together.

Posted: 29 Dec 2013 4:01 am
by Steve Hitsman
I live in Waterloo and give lessons. Currently, I have two students... always looking for more!