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Author Topic:  Newbie to a Rack System...BUT I think this is a great idea.
George Kimery


Limestone, TN, USA
Post  Posted 2 Nov 2013 9:58 am    
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After 45 years of combo amps, I now have my first rack system, a Mesa Boogie Studio Preamp and a Mosvalve 1500 power amp. I have only had the system about 3 weeks. I have not had the time and money to build a couple of speaker cabinets just unhookd the wires from my BW 1501 in my Evans FET 500, and voila...a speaker cabinet ready to go.

Should the rack system fail during a gig, I can simply hook the wires back up in the Evans in a minute or so, and I have a working amp to finish out the show. The only downside that I can see is that I have more weight to carry with the Evans instead of just a cabinet with a speaker in it. Just about all the gig's that I play, there is not enough room to spread out two speaker cabinets anyway.

Also, should the guitar or fiddle players amps die, as long as their speaker works, I can connect the rack system to their speaker very quickly and then we have two working systems, the rack and the Evans. Enough to get us through the show.

BTW, love the rack system. I am posting my thoughts on it under the post that somebody else made about rack vs. amp systems.
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Paddy Long

Christchurch, New Zealand
Post  Posted 3 Nov 2013 7:31 pm    
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George, another good idea with a rack system is to have the speaker plugs and the power plug on a dish on the outside of your rack box, so it only takes about 2 minutes to plug everything up and your good to go.
a plug board in the bottom of the rack box to connect all your toys too, and then route everything to the dish :-}
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