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Post  Posted 19 Oct 2013 9:46 am    
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I have not used my profex II for some time. In the process of finding out how it works, I accidently erase all the Jeff Newman's settings in my cache card. I have not been able to retrieve it. I also get a message on my profex that the battery is low. Does my profex has a battery?
Question: How do I get the J. Newmans settings back?
I appreciate your suggestions. Thank you.
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Dennis Wireman


North West Indiana 47978
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2013 10:03 am     battery
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Yes they do have battery unless someone did the batery less mod on it.
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Jerry Roller

Van Buren, Arkansas USA
Post  Posted 19 Oct 2013 10:54 am    
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Jozef, does you Profex II still work? Is there enough charge in the memory battery to bring up the programs in the Profex? If so you should be able to hit the Global button, go thru the settings until you come to "user>cart" and store the settings into the cartridge. If you can get that far make certain the protect on the cartridge is in off position and when the store is done be sure to turn the protect switch on.
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Post  Posted 19 Oct 2013 9:31 pm     profex II problem
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Thanks Jerry. The profex works. No problem getting the A and B channels and C with the card. I think I know what I did wrong. Some how I pushed the play and global buttons and turn the unit on which will reset it to the factory setting. Now I get a warning that the battery is low and yet I have the unit on for more than 24 hours hoping it will charge the battery. Maybe somebody can put the J.Newman settings on my cartridge. I will call Peavey and hope they can help on this. Again thanks Jerry and Dennis for your input.
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