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Author Topic:  Steel Guitar Shows, Why?
Richard Gonzales


Davidson, NC USA
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2006 4:54 pm    
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What is your opinion why there are steel guitar shows and so many?? Not that it is a bad thing, quite the contrary, but I do not hear of other instruments having their shows. They do have recitals, so what is your take on the subject.
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Jim Cohen

Philadelphia, PA
Post  Posted 20 Sep 2006 5:08 pm    
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It's a good question. There actually are some "contests" for other instruments, though, for example "fiddle contests", and guitar "flatpicking contests". Perhaps what is so different about "steel guitar shows" is that they are not contests, but characterized by camaraderie and fellowship. Perhaps it's because we are a pretty rare breed, so we like to get together to meet and greet, hear each other, find out what's new, see what Smiley's wearing this year, etc. And remember that the shows started in the '70s, long before Al Gore invented the internet, so there really were very few ways then to interact with other people who shared your rare passion in life (whereas a guitarist could pick 10 people at random off any street and at least 4 of them would play guitar!)

Oh, I'm also aware of an annual World Saxophone Symposium held in Europe each year, that attracts classical saxophonists, also a very rare breed, so maybe the rarity really does have something to do with it.

(Of course the short answer is: Scotty started it and everybody had so much fun they decided to make more!)
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