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Author Topic:  Franklin's pickblocking coarse
Ben Godard


Jamesville NC
Post  Posted 1 Jul 2013 11:46 pm    
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I've been playing for about 13 years and I have never really had any advice or training on pickblocking ever. I have just kinda done my own thing and what came natural to me to get the best sound. Well I just bought Paul's old pickblocking coarse and he explains the method behind it all.

Of course the tape is very good. But funny thing is that after listening to the tape and then starting to play, I realize I have been using his method all along. Maybe not as good as he does it but its the same technique. I still have problems with patterns wide apart on the neck, and descending patterns but its a working progress.

Its is reassuring to know that I am not totally in the dark with pick blocking like I thought I was.

One things is for sure. You cannot learn it overnite. Like Paul says on the tape. It will take lots and lots of time and practice.

I really like the way Paul teaches. He has a simple and well structured way of teaching and he always tries to get to the nuts and bolts of any technique and describe things the best way he can for us to understand.

I have never met Paul but I bet he is a nice guy. I'd give almost anything to have the talent and experience that he has. I don't know him but I think he has worked hard all these years and he is due the credit
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