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Sarno Octal Preamp

Posted: 26 Jun 2013 5:07 pm
by Len Amaral
Just had a chance to plug in Brad's new Octal preamp. Also, Wednesdays I work with a qualified technician all day to help me with organizing my studio, restringing and setting up way too many guitars and working on amps.

OK, here is the setup: Octal to one side of a Stewart World 1.2 Power amp to a Mesa 112 open cab with a Peavey 1203-4 speaker. NO effects just a bunch of guitars and steel, lap steels to the input of the octal. You can get the octal as CLEAN as you want with a tube warmth by turning the gain down and increase the volume on the power amp or turn the gain up on the octal and lower the volume on the power amp if you want some grit. It's about as simple as it gets and you can dial in a sweet sound in a minute.

Brad does not need a testimonial from yours truly but my tech guy was blown away and he has played through many amps and is a great musician as well as a great tech. I almost don't want to plug an effect into the octal preamp it sounds that sweet dry.

Made my day!


Posted: 29 Jun 2013 3:06 am
by James Quackenbush
"I almost don't want to plug an effect into the octal preamp it sounds that sweet dry. "

This is EXACTLY how I feel when I plug nto a good amp or pre/amp setup that is just plain THAT GOOD on it's own .....A good tube setup that can compress via the tubes that blooms all on it's own , and has it's own natural sustain is what does it for me .... One that gives you the time to do your transitions , without the note(s) fading away ......Jim

Posted: 1 Jul 2013 3:27 am
by Eric Philippsen
Here's my setup now. I use a Furlong Split cab with it. I'm a big fan of simplicity, especially in the electronics chain.

I've never liked going to adjust something while playing and having to deal with a bunch of knobs. Programmable rackmount units, and I've got those, are the worst. It must be because I cut my teeth with old Fenders and Marshalls. You know - volume, treble, bass and, maybe, a middle control.

I totally understand what others have said about liking a unit's tone and feel so much that you don't don't want to put any effects on it. But, wanting some reverb for live work and not being too excited anymore about all the other pedals and rack units I have, I tried the Wet pedal. Two seconds and I was convinced it was staying in the chain.

Posted: 1 Jul 2013 9:19 am
by Chris Willingham
I played that same setup the other day Eric. And now I'm dying to get one. Incredible tone! Brad knocked it outta the park with this one.

Posted: 2 Jul 2013 5:37 pm
by Len Amaral
The more I use the Octal preamp the more I find those touch sensitive phrases easier to play as you don't have to dig in as hard.

Brad really has his ear to the ground when he introduces a product. Good show!


Posted: 2 Jul 2013 8:46 pm
by Gary Peaslee
I use the same setup as Eric, except I have the Stereo Wet Reverb which has the middle knob to adjust the tone of the reverb tail. Both units are first class and the best I have ever used. Brad happens to be a first class guy too!

Posted: 3 Jul 2013 7:52 am
by Dennis Detweiler
How does it compare to the Revelation? Pro's & Con's? Tonality & response comparisons? Versatility?

Posted: 4 Jul 2013 5:48 am
by mtulbert
Have used both.

The only way I can describe the difference in tone is that the V8 is "thicker".

There is no buffering in the V8 I believe as well. Also there is no effects loop.

I love the Revelation and am saving my pennies to get the V8 as well Can't hurt to have enough of Brad's great products.

Posted: 4 Jul 2013 6:02 am
by Dennis Detweiler
I have a Revelation coming. It seems a little more versatile for my use. I'm partial to the 70's Session 400 tone and the Rev tone stack would probably tip my ear it's way.
I might buy a "partridge" (speaker?) for those outdoor orchard gigs, assuming it could be used in other fruit trees?

Posted: 4 Jul 2013 8:46 am
by mtulbert

The partridge is my tuning bird. Chirps a perfect 440 A.

Had to get rid of him sad to say, because I now tune differently. :D :D :D

Posted: 4 Jul 2013 8:50 am
by mtulbert

This may help as well

Posted Wed Mar 13, 2013 4:04 am

My buddy Mickey showed up yesterday with the new Sarno Preamp and we put it through it's paces. It sounds amazing and does not require a lot of tweaking to get it dialed in.

We used a track that I had cut previously and did the following tracks.

1. Rev with Show Pro Guitar
2. V8 with Show Pro Guitar
3. V8 with Mullen Guitar. Mickey played on this one.

With the steel tracks soloed you really hear the difference. In the track the differences become more subtle but they are there.

Here is a link to listen to the files.

I hope that the titles are clear to everyone what the tracks are. Also, there is no music track for Mickey; I just put it there so you could hear the difference of a guitar and a different player,. ... comparison

Posted: 6 Jul 2013 5:19 pm
by Steve Schmidt
I have questions for those of you that have purchased this preamp. Do you set it on the floor next to you, or attach it to a pedal board? What are you using for a powered cabinet? I am leaning toward making my own cabinet that will house my mosvalve 500 in the bottom and a speaker right above it. I have a number of 12 and 15 inch speakers and so I may make 2 baffles, one for each and experiment.

I appreciate the input.


Posted: 6 Jul 2013 8:44 pm
by Noel Welsh
I have mine rack mounted. I made the bracket myself but Brad Sarno posted a picture on the forum of one that he plans to be selling soon.
I am playing direct at this time but would like to find a powered speaker to use when I job out.
I have used my Nashville 1000 by using the power amp in jack which bypasses the peavy preamp
If you make your own cabinet I would really like to know how it works out!

Posted: 7 Jul 2013 8:25 am
by Chris Willingham
Noel, how did the octal sound through your 1000? I'm hoping to do the same thing with my 112 and the octal when I get one.

Posted: 7 Jul 2013 8:55 am
by Noel Welsh
The Octal sounds really good with the Nashville 1000. I also have have used my 112
with the Octal which sounds great also. I guess it just depends on whether you prefer the 12 inch speaker or the 15 inch. The 112 amp is definately easier to haul around. The main reason I would be interested in a powered speaker cabinet would be to have a 15 inch speaker with less weight

Posted: 7 Jul 2013 2:59 pm
by Mickey Adams
I'm using 2 QSC K12s......HUGE TONE!!!!

Posted: 7 Jul 2013 6:52 pm
by Noel Welsh
Hey Mickey,
Are you using the QSC K12s live on stage? I looked at them online and they do look impressive. I noticed quite a few keyboard players using them also. How would it sound if used only one with my V 8 octal preamp?

Posted: 7 Jul 2013 6:56 pm
by Len Amaral
I plan on using my Octal for recording. Finally after decades it took me to learn how to post a picture but I have help so it should be much easier....*L*

Posted: 8 Jul 2013 6:17 am
by mtulbert

I use on QSC 10 with my Revelation on stage and it works great. That is the same as the QSC 12 but with a 10" speaker. It puts out plenty of bottom for the type of stuff that we play.

Either one should give you what you are looking for. BTW the QSC 10 is a little lighter in weight than the other one as well.

Posted: 8 Jul 2013 12:04 pm
by James Quackenbush
Question for the QSC users ...

Are you running them full range ? .......I understand that a lot of these powered speakers are being used for modeling preamps that somewhat dictate using full range speakers .....I guess I'm questioning running a full range speaker with a normal guitar pre/amp type setup .... ???????

Pro's ?

Cons ?

Thanks guys .....Jim

Posted: 8 Jul 2013 12:35 pm
by mtulbert
I love the way my Revelation works with the QSC. Highs are silky smooth and the balance for all the range of the guitar works for me.

Here is a link to a youtube video we did. Sound was recorded in Pro Tools and synced to the video. A small amount of room ambiance is mixed in as well.

See what you think

one on the way.

Posted: 8 Jul 2013 4:10 pm
by Randy Gilliam
Got one on the way! :D

Posted: 8 Jul 2013 6:27 pm
by Noel Welsh
Thanks for the input
The steel sounds great .....nice full tone
I've got a QSC K12 on the way

Posted: 9 Jul 2013 10:14 am
by James Quackenbush
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the link ....I was somewhat expecting a more "brittle" sounding pedal steel and I heard a very full sounding steel .....Nice playing , and I appreciate you sending this link along .....Sincerely, Jim

Posted: 9 Jul 2013 12:45 pm
by Roger Crawford
Has anyone tried the Peavey PVXp 12 powered speaker?