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Author Topic:  Live steel, San Juan Capistrano, CA-Aug 25
John McClung

Olympia WA, USA
Post  Posted 23 Aug 2006 10:16 pm    
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John McClung (aka Mr. Twang) makes a rare public appearance playing pedal
steel guitar this Friday night at the world-famous honky tonk, The Swallows
Inn, in San Juan Capistrano, California.

Mr. Twang and his trusty Mullen D-12 9+9 and Webb amp will be appearing with the Working Cowboy Band, doing fine classic country music. Bring your dancing boots and a powerful thirst!

WHEN: Friday night, August 25, 8:30 p.m. - 1:00 a.m.
WHERE: Swallows Inn
31786 Camino Capistrano
San Juan Capistrano
CA 92675
(949) 493-3188

DIRECTIONS: from the I-5, take the Ortega Hwy exit, head West (left if
coming from the south; right if coming from the north)
that dead ends at Camino Capistrano in town's center (old Mission on your
turn Left onto Camino Capistrano
the club is about 3 businesses down, on the left hand side
parking on the street, and lots more parking in the back
No cover charge as far as I know
Good food available, too, so come early, get good seats and good eats.


E9 lessons
Mullen D-12/Carter SD-10/Webb amp/Profex II+Lexicon MPX-110 OR Line 6 Pod XT

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