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Author Topic:  Super Pro changer holes
Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 6:08 am    
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Happy new owner of this 1981 Super Pro. If it looks familiar--aside from the fact that Sho Bud produced a lot of these in black!--it is the one Robert Birdsong was selling a little while back. Went to Al Vesel, with whom I traded my 2001 Carter.

Got my E9 copedant mostly installed (need to make a couple more pull rods), but I ran into a strange quirk in doing so; the holes in the lowering piece of the changer fingers are distinctly smaller than on the raising piece, so much so that I absolutely couldn't get the threads to pull through on one rod and needed to cut it to take it out (make that three pull rods I have to make); others took some finesse but did not pull through easily. The copedant on the guitar fairly standard Emmons set up, so I can't imagine it was re-rodded (with 1/8 instead of .109), and anyway that wouldn't explain the difference between the raise and lower holes.

Anyone else ever experience this with a Super Pro changer?

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Michael Yahl

Troy, Texas!
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 8:44 am    
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Dan, the most likely cause would be that the stamping die was becoming worn. This would lead to a larger burr remaining on the punched holes. The tab is then bent over and it may also have been out of alignment thereby reducing the diameter of the hole further as the bending process deforms the hole slightly.

The easiest fix, if you have the finger out of the guitar, would be to re-drill it with a #29 or #30 drill. The finger must be held quite rigid as the drill will have a tendency to grab in the uneven hole. Do not attempt to do this with the finger in the guitar!

As an alternate, use a small needle file to lightly file the hole out. Here's a set of needle files available at ACE Hardware

This is just part of the result of the production manufacturing process.
"Don't fergit to kiss yer horse!"
'72 Sho-Bud Professional D10, (in pieces .....), '78 MSA Classic XL D10, '69 Emmons PP, Fender 2000
Peavey Session 500 BW, Crate Digital Modeling Amp

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Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 11:10 am    
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Thanks Michael,

I will probably have the changer out soon (needs a bath) but might try filing in the meantime. I assume one wants to proceed very slowly and lightly with filing (unless you or James are going to be producing replacement Super Pro fingers any time soon ). Very Happy

Last edited by Dan Beller-McKenna on 16 Jun 2013 11:25 am; edited 1 time in total
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Jay Yuskaitis


Massachusetts, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 11:18 am    
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Hi Dan, Great swap. I love the Sho Buds. How is the Dobro? Jay Y.
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Dan Beller-McKenna

Durham, New Hampshire, USA
Post  Posted 16 Jun 2013 11:24 am    
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Lovin' the Dobro, Jay!
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