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Bishop Ronnie P Hall

Detroit, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 26 Apr 2013 11:49 am    
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Hello, Very Happy my fellow steelers,
Well here I go again. I have been asked what kind of services do they have in these so called Pentacostal Churches that gave birth to the Sacred Steel Movement, and it`s various phenominal musicians like Robert Randolph, the Campbell Brothers, and many up and coming previously totally unknown musicians. The following videos linked together will help to kinda give you the Idea. Video #1 is yours truly Shocked Laughing trying to play the rhythm, and Spirit of Praise Music, and Video #2 is an actual service in progress. However be it understood that it is not my videograpy,so the lighting is not as it should be. But never the less, you should see what we mean by " Getting your Praise On!" Enjoy!
Ron Bishop R.P. Hall
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Alan Brookes

Brummy living in Southern California
Post  Posted 11 May 2013 2:18 pm    
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I always enjoy seeing the audience participation whenever possible. As you say, it's not your videography, so there's no point in suggesting that it would be better from a viewpoint where you can see people's faces rather than their other ends. Laughing

Nevertheless, a lot of atmosphere, and great music as usual. Keep up the good work, Ronnie. Winking Cool Very Happy
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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 13 May 2013 5:04 am    
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Hey brother Ronnie, you always bring the house down with
your great playing. It's very easy to see that everyone loves
loves your playing, and you really give them lots of enery. Laughing
Praise the Lord for those that really enjoy pleasing others.
Your old friend down south..............Carl "Lucky" Kilmer
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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Bishop Ronnie P Hall

Detroit, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 17 May 2013 10:20 pm    
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Hi Alan! Very Happy (Brookes)
Glad to hear from you. You know of course I agree with you on this video. I was an idea I tried out to show two things. One was me playing the music of course, and the latter was to give a pictoral view of how it is, when applied in a live praise service. I`ve been asked many times about "How is this happening in a church service?" Or, "I would sure like to attend one of these services," if I knew more about it. So I tried out this idea, using another church`s video, (Which I had to get special permission to do so of course). And I`ve had good responses to it, even though it is not of the best quality! And the sync was not exactly on target. Thanks my ole friend, I wish I had more supporters like you. The best to the family!
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Bishop Ronnie P Hall

Detroit, Michigan, USA
Post  Posted 17 May 2013 10:36 pm    
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Hey Carl! Very Happy (Lucky, Dr. Smooth)Kilmer
I wish I could claim the honor of saying that they were allowing me to do the playing on this video, but it is not me. However, that is me doing the "overdub" on it. As I explained to others that it was a video that I put together to demonstrate or show what goes on in a praise service with a Sacred Steel background in a live service. I had to get proper permission to do this of course, and although it is not a perfectly in sync rendering, and the clarity is not as good as it should be, I have had some very good responses from those who were very curious about having this kind of church services. Thank you my "Dear friend from down south," Winking It means a lot to me, to have a Statesman such as yourself and others to look in on this old man. With greatest of affection,,, and best to your family.
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