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Author Topic:  1958 Rickenbacker model 102 question
Chris Gabriel

Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 6 May 2013 4:57 pm    
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I have a question for anyone familiar with these guitars. Here's the exact guitar I just sold to a guy overseas...

1958 Rickenbacker model 102

I always liked the guitar, and it was a little hard to part with, for it had a nice tone. And I didn't experience any problems with it. I tuned it with these string gauges:
.012, .014, .017, .021, .024w, .030w

Anyways, he just received the guitar from me, and restrung it with the following:
.016, .020, .025, .036, .046, .052

Now, he's experiencing string rattle, due to the strings hitting the top part of the pickup (the part where one may rest their hand, not sure what to call it)

My questions are: is there a remedy? Is there a way to adjust the pickup? Is the guitar meant to be used with lighter gauged strings? Can he work around this?Since I didn't have any similar issues, and only owned the guitar for about a year, I never explored the guitar pickup. I would like to offer the dude some tips since he wrote me back about it, so...

Any advice would be appreciated! Sincerely, Chris
MSA Classic 1973
BMI D-10
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Steve Cunningham

Atlanta, GA
Post  Posted 6 May 2013 5:22 pm    
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The rattle is probably coming from the lower, thicker strings. I've got that same model, and went through the same thing when I put on heavier strings for open E tuning. If he raises the pickup height, that will move the horseshoe away from the strings, (hopefully) eliminating the rattle.
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Chris Gabriel

Oregon, USA
Post  Posted 7 May 2013 6:48 am     It worked...
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Thanks Steve! My friend was able to eliminate the buzz, but now he has a new problem, unfortunately. Maybe you have some words of wisdom for this thread?

In any case, much appreciated,
MSA Classic 1973
BMI D-10
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