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Author Topic:  Burn to CD or Burning VIRUS to CD?
Butch Pytko


Orlando, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 28 Mar 2013 5:30 pm    
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Some time back I gave my nightmare story of my computer being infected with embedded virus from downloading YOUTUBE music. It happened 2 times within about a 3 month time period, and both times required a major extraction process. During both periods when my computer was loaded with the virus, I had accumulated a number of YOUTUBE songs, then burned some of them to CD.

My question is--If I burned some of the songs to CD when the virus was present, is the virus in the CD? I'm asking this, as I want to download that CD back into my hard drive. All of my music was lost during the 2 extractions, and most of it replaced(by SAFER means), except a few songs that are on this CD I'm wondering about. I certainly don't want to infect my computer again. Thanks.
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2013 2:29 am    
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It is a good possibility the Virus propagated to the burned disc. This is how many viruses are passed around, on CD/DVD media and flash drives. In the old days it was on floppy discs.

To be on the safe side, if you want the songs off that disc the safest way would be to play them on a CD player and connect the audio from the CD player to the PC and re-record them to the hard drive. That will prevent any potential virus problems.
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Butch Pytko


Orlando, Florida, USA
Post  Posted 29 Mar 2013 8:44 am    
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Jack, thanks so much for your help. I was fearful and suspecting what you are saying to be the case. I can very easily record that suspected CD back through my Inport recording software like you're saying.
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