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Author Topic:  Better Quality Computer Microphone?
Dennis Brooker

Iowa, USA
Post  Posted 25 Mar 2013 3:40 pm    
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I use Audacity for just some fun home recording - Can someone please suggest a decent, but not to expensive microphone for my computer - Better than the $10.00 one I now have - I have a new computer using Windows 7 if that makes any difference - Thanks in advance - Dennis Brooker
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Jack Stoner

Kansas City, MO
Post  Posted 26 Mar 2013 2:27 am    
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Computer mics were originally designed for speaking and not music. There are USB mic's that will offer better music reproduction. Shure, Samson and others have them. Look over what is available at

Another options are, (1)use a standard P.A. mic with a mixer or preamp. A P.A. mic can't be used, alone, as the output signal is too low for computer inputs. Computer inputs are generally "line level" signals. (2) get a USB recording interface unit and then use a standard P.A. mic.

The operating system and sound card in the PC doesn't make any difference. SoundBlaster and some others claim to be better but for recording they are all basically the same.
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