Ray Montee
From: Portland, Oregon (deceased)
Posted 3 Mar 2013 9:26 pm
For anyone that might have any reason to want to delve into the history of country music in Oregon, this might be worth your time.
McMinamins' is a rapidly growing business here in the greater Portland Metro area. They have about 60 restaurant facilities/motels, etc. They've actively restored many Oregon early day landmarks into modern family oriented gathering places; theaters, old folks home, motels, etc.
Back in September, 2012, they sponsored a program at the local Bagdad Theater. Their full-time historian did a great job.
This program can now be viewed on YOU TUBE as a four part series. The first was Peter Blecha, OREGON COUNTRY MUSIC HISTORY LECTURE, followed by Oregon Country Music Heritage Hoedown and Stumptown Stars, and the Oregon Country Music Lecture Panel.
BOBBY GIBSON a long time, nationally recognized and popular guitar picker head-lined the show and did a great job as band leader. Also present were Steve Melnachek from the mid-1960's Heck Harper TV Show and others from the area.
Hope you'll enjoy it............. |