2nd String Lower/Half Stop returns sharp. Help please.
Posted: 20 Feb 2013 1:08 pm
I have a 77' MSA Classic with the halfstop from Mike Yahl on the RKR that lowers string 2 to C# with a feel at D, and it also drops 9 from D to C#. However, when I have the half stop set correctly, the change will return string 2 sharp, and sharper with the next consecutive 3 or 4 uses. I checked out the undercarriage and I don't see any points of friction, but the problem seems to be that the lever itself doesn't physically return all the way, enough to sharpen the string by 15-20 cents after a few uses of it. However, if I loosen the half stop so that it is essentially non-funtional, the string returns perfectly in tune. Right now I have the change tuned to on the 2nd string because I use it more, but I would like to have my functional half stop back. What's going on here? Should I undo all the end-nuts and tune the 2nd and 9th string changes in a specific order?