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Author Topic:  Theory and Number Syst (G Tuned Dobro) Mark Van Allen
Howard Parker

Post  Posted 12 Feb 2013 11:55 am    
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I have been listening to "Theory and the Number System" (for G tuned Dobro). This is a two CD course by Mark Van Allen.

Unlike some other instruction material Mark's course deals with theoretical aspects of the Dobro neck. No licks or tunes. Mark focuses on scale and chord construction up and across the neck in all manner of keys. He also deals with practical aspects of chord construction (sure...a piano player can play all notes in an 11th chord) and how those chords might be used.

I like Mark's approach to instruction a lot. I find that video is often distracting when concentrating on a neck and often totally unnecessary.

Mark delivers new concepts on short tracks so it's easy to stop while you are trying to absorb some theory. You can return to an earlier position to repeat a segment and then go on when comfortable.

This particular course has approx 60 short tracks over a pair of CD's so it's easy to find your way around. I'd be tempted to rip the course to a computer and rename some of the tracks to something meaningful like "diminished chords".

Mark encourages you to have a notepad handy to construct some charts and he thoughtfully provides some backup tracks so that you can improvise against an interesting progression.

This course covers a LOT of territory and would be useful for players beginners (neck theory scale construction)-advanced (chord construction and use) and everything in between.

All of Mark's instruction can be found HERE!

2 thumbs up
my .02

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Mark van Allen

Watkinsville, Ga. USA
Post  Posted 18 Feb 2013 6:20 am    
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Howard, a very large thank you for such a considerate review!
I had so much great help along the way from many great players including your pal and mine, Mike A. I really want to feed some of that back, and it means a whole lot to me when I hear I'm hitting the mark for people.
Instructional material is a somewhat personal thing with people, as they all want something different customized to their specific needs and tastes, and it can be hard to hit a workable common denominator. I appreciate that you've picked up on my motivation behind keeping it audio only- that's how we actually play!
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