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Need some advice

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 11:00 am
by David Milliken
OK, here goes and please, no laughing. I currently play - or attempt to play - a 1976 ShoBud LDG that from my perspective, seems in top condition. I love it! However, I am almost age 68 and will finally retire in April and be able to devote much more time to my PSG. I also get to play it live every Thursday night at a club about one hour from where I live. My issue is this: The ShoBud is one cool guitar but weighs far too much for my aging arms. I've looked at the new, lightweight ETS steels but they just don't have the vibe! I want something that sounds as good or even better than the LDG but also looks really cool. I know that may sound stupid since it should be all about the sound and not the looks, but some vanity intervenes. Money is not really an issue in this since I owe myself a "retirement present" anyhow. Can anyone offer advice on a top-of-the-line lightweight, E9 with pad PSG that will equal or exceed the quality and tone of my LDG?

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 11:24 am
by Charles Davidson
David,Have you thought about a split case ? When I was a young whippersnapper like you ,My favorite guitar was a MSA d-10 Classic,[a back breaker] I cut the case down where just the body of the guitar fit in it,carried everything else in a soft keyboard case.Made a big difference in moving it in and out.YOU BETCHA,DYK?BC.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 11:36 am
by David Milliken
Thank you, Charles, that's an interesting thought. I wonder whether I could find a custom fibre case for just the body?

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 11:43 am
by David Milliken
Thank you, Charles, that's an interesting thought. I wonder whether I could find a custom fibre case for just the body?

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 5:31 pm
by Don Poland
Talk to Kevin Hatton, here on the forum. I'm sure he has the skills to make a split case for your LDG. I understand he has been going thru some medical issues, but as I understand, he is in the process of catching up. Kevin does some outstanding work. When he get a chance to get caught up, I will have him make a case for my target rifle.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 5:39 pm
by Skip Edwards
By all means, try out a Justice Pro-Lite.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 6:28 pm
by Herb Steiner
There is no lightweight guitar I know of that has the sound and visual "mojo" of a vintage LDG, since all the lightweights are metal or mica covered S-10s with modern pickups. And make no mistake, the visual vibe definitely matters, in addition to the sound.

The lightweights great tools but don't have the certain "something" of a vintage 'Bud. IMHO.

If money is no object as you say, invest 300 bucks in a 2-piece case set (available from Kevin Hatton, Fred Justice, Red Dirt Cases, and others), while keeping the original case and using it to hold gear, course material, etc. The value of the guitar will increase and your back will love the reduction/balance of the weight distribution.

Also, other health problems notwithstanding, your age is not too old to work on upper body strength, which will make carrying the 2-piece case set even easier.

BTW, in the picture you don't have the legs on your Steeler's Choice set assembled correctly. You're headin' for a fall if that's the way you usually set up your seat.

Need Some Advice

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 6:44 pm
by Bobby D. Jones
When I played out with different bands I ran ito a problem with weight moving equipment. I have hauled my steel since about 2000 set up and left the 28 lb case at home, under the bed. I have built 2 of these covers. the first was thrown together. The second one turned out better. It consists of Marine grade Naga-hyde, 4 layers of quilt filler and Crushed velvet lining that contacts the steel. Protects body of steel well.

Image [/list]

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 7:22 pm
by Mike Perlowin
Realistically, NO guitar is going to be anything like your "bud. A new Jackson is probably the closest thing you'll find. I don't know what they weigh.

If weight is an issue and you need something light, check out the new MSAs.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 9:19 pm
by Jack Aldrich
I use a foldup dolly I got at COSTCO. It works fine. When I was playing full time back in the 80's and 90's I used a full-up dolly that would hold my steel, my Roland 64 key keyboard, and my Peavy Vegas 400. Now I use a Peavy Pro 30 or a series of pedals - tuner, 10 band EQ and Boss Fender Twin Reverb. That's a lot lighter. IMHO, a dolly is the answer. BTW, I'm in my 70's.

Posted: 21 Jan 2013 9:47 pm
by Tom Wolverton
A split fiberboard case makes my ShoBud D-10 quite manageable. A great case option, if you are not touring or flying.

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 8:49 am
by David Milliken
BTW, in the picture you don't have the legs on your Steeler's Choice set assembled correctly. You're headin' for a fall if that's the way you usually set up your seat.

Herb:Thanks for your concern but I don't understand your comment. The legs unfold and then are locked in place by a swivel bar under the seat. Maybe it's the angle of the photo?

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 9:50 am
by Herb Steiner
It must be the angle of the photo. It looks as though the legs of the seat on the left are splayed outwards, like the locking bar wasn't set correctly.


Posted: 22 Jan 2013 9:53 am
by Dennis Wireman
Gary Rittenberry is making a great light weight one might check with him great craftsman and person to deal with

Steelers Choice Seat??

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 9:59 am
by Dan Rollans
Hey fellows, good call on the seat legs at "odd" angle.
But after close look, the seat is not Steelers Choice. Possibly SteelSeat or Walker.
BTW that is a very fine looking and highly sought after LDG.
I would lose sleep over changing from that vintage tone!
Thanks guys, Dan Rollans@Steelers Choice

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 10:38 am
by Bent Romnes
David, Check out my BenRom steels via the link below.
Although not a lightweight, it is not the heaviest on the market either. It weighs about 55 lb in the case.

It comes outfitted with standard things same as what the pros are outfitted with.
I also include 2 pickups with it so you might find the vibe you are looking for. (One single coil and one Humbucker)

Plus you will save a few bucks since pickup or delivery from London wouldn't cost any more than gas.

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 10:55 am
by Herb Steiner
David, I almost forgot one thing. Ray Allen, from Nashville Recordings in N'ville, sells a set of "airline legs," made of an aluminum alloy that is about 8 pounds lighter than a set of chromed steel legs, and look identical to standard steel legs.

I had to get an S-10 Emmons under 50lbs in a single case for flight purposes, and the Ray Allen legs fit the bill. They are noticeably lighter than regular weight legs. They might really aid in your weightlifting dilemma.

Posted: 22 Jan 2013 12:16 pm
by David Milliken
Herb: On closer inspection, you were correct! The seat is new and I failed to notice that the locking bar had two half-moon shaped slots for the leg braces to fit into. I've now fixed that and the legs sit perfectly vertical. You probably have saved me from a nasty fall. Thanks muchly.

To everyone else who has commented, thank you for the guidance. While it is always nice to buy a new steel, I will not part with my LDG so it's off to find a double case builder. Love the ones being made by Gary in Panama City and Fred Justice's cases are nice, as well. I'm a bit worried about costs of shipping to Canada and am looking around up here to see if anyone builds something similar.