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2-Desert Rose stolen in Phoenix

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 11:30 am
by Joe Naylor
My house was broken into last week and they cleaned me out. My SD-10 Natural Birdseye - which I posted as the best looking Pedal Steel Guitar in the World and LaRue's Red front with Natural trim were both stolen out of my house. They also took 3 other guitars, DVD's, Play Station 2, 4 computers (which one is my office computer - I work out of my house), Baseball cards, coin collection, a rifle my Granddad gave me, and on and on - Yes they wipped me out.

Since we Steelers' are so close and there are very few people that could use them please keep an eye out. Chuck says we will build me another one.

Thanks in advance for keeping you eye out.

From the Desert Rose computer center!!!

Joe Naylor
Desert Rose - less in the desert

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 12:34 pm
by Larry Jamieson
Joe, Sorry to hear about this loss... The sorry low life that did this will try to sell or pawn the stuff sooner or later, and those steel guitars are too unique to not get noticed somewhere. I hope the cops catch them and that you get it all back in one piece. Larry J.

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 12:36 pm
sorry too here this Joe,sound like someone thats knows all about you,will pray that you fine who did this.

Gary Phillips
D-10 8/5 Desert Rose Steel Guitar
& D-10 8/5 Rains Steel Guitar

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 12:38 pm
by Mike Archer

sorry to hear this joe
they will catch um you bet!!

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 12:49 pm
by Jerry Overstreet
Oh man! Sorry Joe. I'll make a mental note. Never know where they might show up. It's a relatively small market. Perhaps they will be recovered and returned to you. Image

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 2:10 pm
by Lawrence Sullivan
Joe sorry to hear about your loss. Having had similar occurances here I hope you have more luck with the police than I have, I lost a beautiful Gibson Hummingbird to never see or hear tell of again
Check every pawn shop and used store around and keep an eye out on Ebay also, they might possibly use an agent to sell on there
Good luck recovering your instruments

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 2:12 pm
by Troy Porter
Joe, we will keep an eye out on this end of the state for you. There are a couple pon shops up here that I think have taken in stolen equipment before. I lost a 16 foot car hauling trailer and a portable generator not long ago. not even close to your loss but I can imagine how you feel.
I hope they can catch the thiefing BAST***S.

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 2:40 pm
by JW Day

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 3:10 pm
by Ron Whitworth
Hello Joe;
So sorry to hear of this terrible loss.
I will keep an eye & ear open down here in Yuma>IF i should see or hear of anything
i will get them back if they show up down here..I hope i run into the lowlife that did that!!!!!!!!!!!!..I will BREAK him from that little habit!! Ron

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 4:18 pm
by James Cann
Very sorry to hear of this contemptible behavior.

I would imagine that model/serial numbers, etc., to as many pawn shops as you can might get you lucky, but you'd have to act quickly.

Every good wish for this and the season.

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 4:19 pm
by Jack Francis
Chuck called me a few days ago to tell about the loss, It's pretty sad but at least it's nice to know that Chuck'll
build another just as nice...To bad we can't say that about your work computer!
That'll take a lot of work to get new files built. I'll spread the word...Jack

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 4:24 pm
by Joe Naylor
Thank to all I knew that everyone would be on the look out.

We were already in the process of starting me a double neck that is a near twin to the SD-10 -- started working it in earnest today. Thanks again

Keep looking. Image

Joe Naylor, Avondale, AZ (Phoenix)Desert Rose Guitar, Life Member of the Arizona Carport Pickers Association

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 6:16 pm
by Bill Fulbright
Is there some kind of Pawn Network or alert system that they use when specific items like these that are easy to identify show up as items for pawn?

Just curious...

Posted: 10 Dec 2005 7:36 pm
by Darryl Hattenhauer
Bill, that's a good question. If we get the answer here, maybe start a thread on this, or if we don't get an answer, then maybe start a thread asking the question.
Joe, I've seen places on the net that list stolen guitars. I forget where they are, but probably and Some net searching would get you a lot of info I think. I'd ask Bobbe and Scottie if they know of anyplace to list stolen guitars.
I'm afraid somebody might take this out of the area to sell it, which means it might turn up in LA. An ad in some LA papers might be something to consider.
Also, do you think somebody locally was out to get this steel? There could be somebody at a joint where you play who could have been behind it.
Anyway, I hope Sheriff Joe puts them in his tent city jail and we get to visit the bastids. Three strikes and your out? Hell, I say one strike and your out.

"Drinking up the future, and living down the past"--unknown singer in Phoenix

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 5:12 am
by Steven Black
Hello Joe, sorry to hear this terrible news, I will watch the forum and keep an eye out on e-bay to see if someone tries to sell them there.

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 6:02 am
by Fred Justice
Joe, I just got an e-mail from La Rue telling me of this, I had not heard about it till now.
I'll sure do what I can up here to help find your guitars buddy.
Having lost a brand new Rus-ler D10 8X7, I sure know what your going through with the home invation and all, this stuff can get you down if you let it, so be strong my friend and God bless you.

Fred Justice,
Fred's Music
Rains Steel Guitars

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 10:19 am
by Bob I. Williams
Joe, I will sure keep an eye out on this end of town. theres a good chance they'll show up. BOB

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 10:47 am
by Jon Zimmerman
Joe, it's just an enormous heartbreak to find a part of your life ripped away. Be strong. A lot of eyes will be on the lookout from now on. Don't let those rattlesnakes rattle you--something will turn up soon with God's graces. Then maybe tracing back, you'll learn the how and why it happened--and some perps can be taken off the streets!
The sooner the better. JON

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 11:43 am
by Billy Easton
This sucks. I will watch out in the CG area for any signs of them. Sorry, Guy. If I can help in any way, let me know.


Posted: 11 Dec 2005 11:53 am
by Mark van Allen
It just breaks my heart whenever this happens. It's so hard to remember that "things are just things" when they're such an important part of your life and happiness. Joe, I hope you get a full and fast recovery. Very best wishes to you.<font size="1" color="#8e236b"><p align="center">[This message was edited by Mark van Allen on 11 December 2005 at 11:54 AM.]</p></FONT>

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 11:56 am
by Rand Anderson
sorry Joe to hear about that... what a bummer.

1.pawn shops can't sell things for like 30 or 60 days, for this reason. so if you report the serials to the police they will put out an alert to the pawns to watch for these items. i was able to recover my 64 vibroverb down in casa grande.

2. if they try to sell it to a store, it will not move very fast.

3. watch ebay.

ill keep an eye out

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 12:46 pm
by Rand Anderson
joe, here are some of the used/vintage music stores that you may want to give a heads up
nice folks

1. note works

2. Tim - GuitarCenter Scottsdale - Vintage Gear - (480) 362-1150


4. Music Brokers - (602) 230-7777 - 4420 N Central Ave, Phoenix, AZ

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 12:50 pm
by Hap Young
Joe Does anyone haye a picture of the insturments? If so post them. I will keep an eye out here in Yuma. See you in Jan.

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 5:36 pm
by Larry Strawn
I'll keep an eye out up here around Kingman, and I'll notify the pawn shops in town.
Sorry about your loss man, that sucks!

Emmons S/D-10, 3/5, Sessions 400 Ltd. Home Grown E/F Rack

Posted: 11 Dec 2005 6:13 pm
by Merrill & Vangie Fich

Sorry to here about loss. Hope they are recovered real soon. Looking forward to seeing, and hearing you in Jan. at the convention.