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Zane King "Rose Colored Glasses"

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 5:21 pm
by Zane King
I posted a version of this that was recorded to my studio track. However, I went back and listened to this demo version of this song and I like it better. Funny, how after polishing it up that it sort of lost the free and loose feeling. I am truly an improv player. Rarely, do I play the same thing twice.

Check it out.

Posted: 26 Nov 2012 5:32 pm
by Wally Taylor
Nice Zane, really nice!!

Posted: 27 Nov 2012 3:28 pm
by Wally Taylor
The crickets are really loud here!!! :whoa:

Posted: 28 Nov 2012 8:29 pm
by Wally Taylor
Well, I liked it a lot anyway! :\

Posted: 29 Nov 2012 4:18 am
by Andrew Roblin
This cricket is chirping:

"Strikingly beautiful."

Thank you, Zane!

Andrew Roblin
International Sho-Bud Brotherhood & Sisterhood
Janitor, Member #79

Posted: 29 Nov 2012 7:50 pm
by Wally Taylor
Well, that's 2 crickets! :D You have good taste in steel, Andrew!

Posted: 29 Nov 2012 8:15 pm
by Josh Rossow
I liked that one a lot. Really liked those parts/chords with the arm lever. I need to figure out how to make that sound come out of my steel.

Posted: 1 Dec 2012 12:33 pm
by Larry Bressington
Beautiful style Zane! :D

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 6:34 pm
by Chris Templeton
Somehow I missed this.
That is a great version of that song Zane.
I love the accents/stops you do at the last verse.
The Jackson sounds great along with you.
Merry Christmas.

Posted: 24 Dec 2012 6:48 pm
by Sam White
Zane you done a great job of playing and I loved the way you lifted the bar and went down to a different fret and put the bar right where it should have been each and every time. I guess it takes a lot more practice to do it that way and it sounds great.I think I will give that a try what the hey I can't play that good any way.Maybe it will make me a little better.
Sam White

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 7:59 am
by Gary Cosden
Great as always Zane! I really love the tone of your Jacksons and in your hands - truly wonderful.

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 11:56 am
by Zane King
Thank you Chris for pulling this up out of the basement of the Forum here. :))) Always good to hear from you.

Samuel White - I was wondering if anyone caught that or not! It is not just for show. I think it actually creates a slightly different sound when approached in that manner.

Thank you Gary! These Jacksons are wonderful! And I appreciate your acknowledgement of the tone coming from the player.

Posted: 25 Dec 2012 6:24 pm
by Shawn Collins
Beautiful clasic Zane.

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 6:05 pm
by Wally Taylor
Improv....yeah, that kinda describes the way I play too, :lol:

Re: Zane King "Rose Colored Glasses"

Posted: 29 Dec 2012 11:21 pm
by HowardR
Zane King wrote: Funny, how after polishing it up that it sort of lost the free and loose feeling.

I agree 100%.......the demo version has soul and I prefer it.....