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Tune of the Month for October - Crazy by Willie Nelson

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 9:52 am
by Dan Simard
I participated to "Tune of the month" last month and it was a good experience :

I think it's time to post a new tune for the month of october. Personally, I would suggest :

- Autumn leaves :

- Sleepy lagoon :

I don't have tabs for them but I guess someone does.

I want to hear your suggestions!

Posted: 30 Sep 2012 7:56 pm
by Bill Brunt
This seems like it could be a real pretty steel song.

Posted: 1 Oct 2012 12:04 pm
by Nate Hofer
What about something kinda like a jazz standard like Fats Waller's Honeysuckle Rose or Dinah? Super swingy. I have the changes ready if so.

Or, Willie Nelson's Crazy? Everyone knows of it but do they know how to play it? :)

Posted: 1 Oct 2012 2:21 pm
by Pete Nicholls
I enjoyed the one is September as well, Crazy sounds like a good candidate for October.

Posted: 9 Oct 2012 4:39 am
by Nate Hofer
Uh-oh. No one has responded in a while. I hope we can keep this going! :)

Posted: 9 Oct 2012 6:56 am
by Dan Simard
I realize it's hard to decide for a tune of the month as a group so I secretly wish someone would just say "let's do THAT song" and it would be over.

I took a look at "Crazy" and I noticed that the melody can be a bit tricky and I did not succeeded in making a good rendition of the song... yet.

But if everyone is OK with "Crazy", let's do it!

Posted: 9 Oct 2012 7:12 am
by Mike Neer
Sorry for not participating, but musically I'm really focused on trying to get my own material together and it's in a completely different bag than the tunes of the month. I will listen to yours, though (although admittedly, I really don't listen to any steel guitar music these days).

Posted: 9 Oct 2012 8:45 am
by Doug Beaumier
Me too... I'm out for now. Too many projects piling up. BTW I have recordings of both Autumn Leaves and Sleepy Lagoon that I did a couple of years ago, so if those are the choices, I'm ready... 8)

I think one tune a month is not do-able for most of us here. That's 12 recordings a year. I don't know about other folks here, but I spend several hours on a recording... planning what I will play, making a rhythm track, setting up the equipment, recording, mixing, uploading, etc. I suggest 4 tunes a year. One for each season. I think the results would be better, more players participating. I also think it's very important to choose songs that are familiar to most players, and fairly easy to play. Like it or not, most forum members who hang out in the Steel Without Pedals section like to play classic Country and Hawaiian... also some blues, swing, jazz, but IMO the simpler the song, the more familiar, the more members will participate.

Posted: 9 Oct 2012 3:22 pm
by Pete Nicholls
I'm in, Crazy here we come!

Posted: 9 Oct 2012 5:23 pm
by Pete Nicholls
I have been working on this one for a while, so recorded it this evening for the tune of the month.

Posted: 10 Oct 2012 5:55 pm
by Dan Simard
Great Pete! You were fast at recording the song. I downloaded your version of "Mansion on the hill" and I can hear the difference in your playing, this one sounds more confident. It's crazy what we can achieve in just 3 months of practicing.

Mike and Doug, we all can understand that you have different challenges in front of you. I see the "Tune of the month" as a reason for less experienced players like me to practice. If it wasn't for that, I would be playing without goals.

By the way, I'm working on a solo version of the song, like Bill Hatchet as done with "Mansion on the hill", just not that complex :

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 11:02 am
by Dan Simard
Is there anyone else working on the "Tune of the Month"?


Posted: 16 Oct 2012 12:14 pm
by George Piburn

Posted: 16 Oct 2012 4:13 pm
by David Venzke
Dan Simard wrote:Is there anyone else working on the "Tune of the Month"?
I'm working on it ... Hope to get my audio done this weekend. Stay tuned.

If anyone is interested, I have tabbed out my version for Open G (DGDGBD, low to high) which can also be used with Hawaiian A tuning. If anyone is interested, let me know and I'll make the PDF available.

Posted: 18 Oct 2012 3:52 pm
by Jean-Sebastien Gauthier
Doug Beaumier wrote: I think one tune a month is not do-able for most of us here. That's 12 recordings a year. I don't know about other folks here, but I spend several hours on a recording... planning what I will play, making a rhythm track, setting up the equipment, recording, mixing, uploading, etc. I suggest 4 tunes a year. One for each season. I think the results would be better, more players participating.
Im totally agreed with Doug, I really love the idea of the forum member taking a personal take on a choose song but with my band, work and girlfriend, I don't have so much time, and Im still in the learning of the basic. I still work on Mansion and will be ready soon to recorded it but we will be maybe on november, so it can be my Fall song, and I will be able to work on a winter song, but month songs, I just can't.

Posted: 28 Oct 2012 11:21 am
by Dan Simard
Today, I realized it was October 28 and I had to record the tune of the month so here is my take at Crazy.

I have done it without backing tracks and worked the "arrangement" throughout the month. I have done around 20 takes to get this one and I just got tired so I added chorus to hide the mistakes. It sounds a bit robotic but I assure you it sounded waaaay better in my head ;) I guess I will be re-recording it in a couple of months to get it sound right.

It was recorded on a vintage Roland Jazz Chorus a friend lent me. I used my Tremblay 8-strings with a A7/C6 tuning (low to high : c#-c-e-g-a-c-e-g).

Constructive criticism is welcomed.

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 3:25 am
by Carl Mesrobian
Jean-Sebastien Gauthier wrote:
Im totally agreed with Doug, I really love the idea of the forum member taking a personal take on a choose song but with my band, work and girlfriend, I don't have so much time, and Im still in the learning of the basic. I still work on Mansion and will be ready soon to recorded it but we will be maybe on november, so it can be my Fall song, and I will be able to work on a winter song, but month songs, I just can't.
I'm married over 25 years, two teenage sons, two cats, two dogs, and a 100 year old house in constant repair, hardly working, and just got in a band; I'll try to get "Crazy" done soon - the non-musical version :lol:
I will work on tunes when I get time, but have about 40 tunes for the band on PSG right now :)

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 3:13 pm
by Jack Aldrich
I'll work on getting a video of me playing "Crazy" on my Stringmaster D8, C13 neck : (from low to high) G Bb E G A C E G. The only slants I use are for the diminished chords. I've played it a couple of times at HSGA conventions in Hawaii. I play it in F. When I did it back in my pedal steel days, I did it on the C6 neck with all kinds of pedal and knee lever activity. It's amazing how strightforward it is in the aforementioned tuning. - Jack

Posted: 30 Oct 2012 5:19 pm
by Rob Munn

Hey Dan,

That was real sweet and I liked all the low notes, esp. the slide into the ending. Good job!


Posted: 31 Oct 2012 9:43 am
by chris ivey
are there any chicks in the audience that would like to come up on stage and sing crazy??

Posted: 1 Nov 2012 6:59 pm
by Rob Munn
HOw about this:

A tune every 3 months; let's say March 21/equinox, we start easy, do something for us beginners, then June 21/solstice, something a little harder, Sept. 21, something intermediate, a little longer and so on and so forth.... How about Jackson Browne's "Shakey Town" off of the well-known "Running on Empty" album from late 70's. Dec. 21/solstice. Got some great Lindley going on and Jackson plays some mean guitar too. Just a suggestion???

Posted: 1 Nov 2012 8:41 pm
by Nate Hofer
A day late and a dollar short but here's mine:

It's a 1950's six-string Magnatone plugged into Garageband on my Mac.

Give me some feedback! Criticism welcome!

Posted: 1 Nov 2012 8:43 pm
by Nate Hofer
My vote would be to keep it once a month just to keep the variety of songs and generas coming. But, that's just my small opinion. :)

Posted: 2 Nov 2012 7:34 am
by John Mulligan
The Magnatone sounds great, nice playing too.

Posted: 2 Nov 2012 11:27 am
by Roy Thomson
Non Pedal arrangement of Crazy from my 4 Star Course.

All the best and glad to participate. :)
