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Author Topic:  Nashville 112 cutting out periodically
Ole Dantoft

Copenhagen, Denmark
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2012 4:13 am    
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A friend of mine has a Nashville 112 that he uses for tele and steel. He's been complaining that it sometimes starts distorting badly and/or cuts out completely. He says he can sometimes fix it by turning the amp off/on and sometimes by giving it a little "technical knock".

Last night I went to see him play a local gig and his amp did exactly as described after a few songs and he did everything to get it going, including taking a patch cable and inserting it repeatedly into all the switched jack sockets front and back and it didn't help - the amp was dead. He went to his car and got the spare amp that he carries and finished the gig on that.

I took the amp with me back home and fired it up this morning and it sounds perfectly normal.

Does anyone have an idea about what could cause this ?

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Carl Kilmer

East Central, Illinois
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2012 5:15 am    
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If you know the cords are all good and the jacks are clean,
then I would make sure all of the IC chips are fully seated.
If all of that is good, check for a loose or bad ground and
then unplug any plug in connecters and plug them back in.
Sometimes a dirty or oxidized plug will give you a problem
with a little vibration or even a small temperature change.
Other than that it could be a cold solder joint or bad part.
aka "Lucky Kay"--Custom built Rittenberry SD10 3X5, Walker S/S, NV-112, and Hilton Pedal
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Mike Wheeler

Delaware, Ohio, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2012 8:25 am    
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This appears to be a heat related problem...cuts out after warm-up. My experience says you may have a problem with one, or more, solder cold solder joint. I can't tell you how many bad solder joints I repaired in years past.

I'd suggest finding a good tech for the job. Cold joints can be very difficult, and time consuming, to find. IMHO
Best regards,
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Jack Ritter


Enid, Oklahoma, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2012 8:35 am    
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You might check the ac power cable plug in under the top of the amp that it has maybe jiggled loose and is momentarily making contact. I had this happen on a n-1000 long time ago. Caused the whole problem and when I pushed the plug all the way in, the problem was solved. Jack
Zum D10 8x5,rev pre-amp, TC M300, Split 12, n-112, IZZY, Hilton vp, Geo L, BJS Hughey, Live Steel
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Danny Letz


Old Glory,Texas, USA 79540
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2012 9:01 am    
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Mine was doing that and at first I could get it going again by wiggling the power cord in the socket on the chassis. Sometimes a pound to the top would work. I was relieved when it quit altogether so it would be easier to find. The tech at the shop said he tightened up the ground and resoldered some things. I suspect it was the grounding of the power cord socket to the chassis. It's worked fine ever since I got it out of the shop.
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Stephen Cowell

Round Rock, Texas, USA
Post  Posted 6 Sep 2012 9:48 am     Re: Nashville 112 cutting out periodically
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Ole Dantoft wrote:
(snip) he did everything to get it going, including taking a patch cable and inserting it repeatedly into all the switched jack sockets front and back and it didn't help - the amp was dead.

Sometimes you have to bypass the switched jacks by using the cord as the effects loop... jack from 'out' to 'in'. Try this on all loops e.g. the volume pedal loop, the effects loop, the pre-out/pwr-in loop.

I took the amp with me back home and fired it up this morning and it sounds perfectly normal.

Does anyone have an idea about what could cause this ?


Intermittent connection or thermal shutdown? Check all socketed IC's for bent pins. Exercise it until failure is reached, then divide and conquer... is it pre- or pwr-amp related? Speaker connection? If pwr-amp related, use freeze spray (canned air works, hold the can upside-down) on the final amp circuit/heat sink. These are the hard problems that you pay a good tech to solve.
Too much junk to list... always getting more.
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