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Dave Grothusen

Scott City, Ks
Post  Posted 15 Nov 2005 3:06 pm    
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I just now got back from the Tommy Morrell jam. I don't pedal quite as fast as the Queens. So nice to meet them and Cathi Parsons. Without Starla and Cathi this function would not have happened. Also thanks to Craig Chambers for working so hard to do this. Thanks too, to the musicians that came to help. There were probably more well known steel players there but the ones I knew were Johnny Cox and his wife Joan, Ralph Mooney and Junior Knight. Starla's father took the first round and once he got over the jitters did a wonderful job.
I meet Tom's sisters and that was a treat. They allowed as how Tom made the comment on Friday, before his birthday on Monday, that he did not know what was going on. He had recieved over 150 cards. He said he always gets 20 or so. I asked him how many he finally got and all he said was "a bunch". Thanks to all that sent one, it really helped brighten his sprits.
Stay tuned it looks like Jimmy Queen will have some pictures to view later.

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