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Newbi On psg forum

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 5:03 am
by Kennert Lindskjold
Hi :-)

I have a carter starter and have had that for some years.
I have been invited to play in a new country band here in Denmark
so now i have to take my psg playing (For lack of better words)
more serious ;-)

Where and what edu materials should i get?
DVD would be nice i guess.

Paul Newell is my new hero. Heard him play his
GFI Ultra s-10 on a Country festival here in Denmark.
What a guy....what a sound :-)

This is from the same festival, from my new hiding behind
my carter Starter :D



Posted: 22 Aug 2012 5:56 am
by Dennis Lee
It looks like you have to get serious, for real, Kennert. This is a very good band, very professional. The music doesn't give you chance to walk before you run, so guess you'll have to hit the ground running! I can hear some fast steel breaks in music like this, but lots of room for innovation. Get hold of Mike Archer and some of his dvd's, such as "My Last Cigarette" which will give you the skills on this type of music. Take care and look forward to hearing more from you and your crew. Check also with Jody Cameron, he has some great learning dvd's, and he's a helluva player too.

Posted: 22 Aug 2012 8:35 am
by Kennert Lindskjold
Thanks Dennis.

Very good info about edu material
For psg.
You are right, it's a good band and i need
To get up to par sooner than later.
