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The Mullen Edge

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 10:44 am
by Mickey Adams
Well the G2 is just over 5 years old now...When I first went to meet Del from Las Vegas back in 2006 to try the G2, I knew I had "found my thrill"
ive now owned 5 G2's since #3 delivered to me in las Vegas. 3 of them have been passed on to players around the country. Currently I have an SD12, and a D12.
The Mullen guitar fits me like a glove, has the tone, the craftsmanship, and they are easy to reconfigure and service...I just wanted to congratulate Del, Mike, Shawn, Dixie, Tyler, and all the people at the factory,for their successes, and for making what I consider to be the BEST steel guitar on the market today. The G2 is being played by some of the finest players in the world, and Mullen continues to set the standard for excellence in the industry.... Im proud to be a Mullen Endorsee, and Dealer!!!


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 11:51 am
by Zane King
Beautiful guitars Mickey! My time I sat behind one (about 10 minutes at ISGC) I was quite impressed. Plus, Del is a great man who I respect and appreciate!

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:02 pm
by Mickey Adams
ZANE!!....LOVE YOUR PLAYING MAN!!!... You're a great inspiration to me!...

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:04 pm
by Mickey Adams
Deleted, Duplicate

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 12:07 pm
by Zane King
Thanks Mickey!!! That means a lot to me for you to say that! Maybe we'll get to do a 12 string duo sometime!!! Keep your great work!!!!

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 1:07 pm
by Bill Lowe

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 2:52 pm
by Larry Baker
Here's mine 09 delivered to St. Louis show. Can't say any more positive than what Mickey has already said. Love it. Date is wrong on pic. Larry B.

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 3:12 pm
by Kevin Hatton
Mickey, your post here reeks of self serving promo and is not fair to the other builders. You are really embarrasing yourself. There are MANY fine quality steel guitars being built today. The Mullen G2 is in no way the standard. If I had to pick one it would be Zum. The sound you hear right now is the hardy laughter from the other builders.

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 3:56 pm
by Larry Baker
Kevin, I think you are the one that should be embarrased. Other players have endorsed and or did some bragging on their preferred instrument. Everyone on the forum has their right to say what they feel about their favorite instrument. Mickey did not demean any other brands. Just stated his opinion. I'm with you Mickey. Larry

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 4:10 pm
by Mickey Adams
Kevin thanks for your post...You're certainly entitled to your opinion, and I take no offense by your post whatsoever...I also feel no embarassment in posting my homage to company that has gone to great lengths to make sure that I am stocked with parts, allows me to represent them as a dealer, and stands behind me in every way. And I agree with you completely, there are a number of fine, and dedicated builders, and Bruce is one of the best, I have great respect for the man....I would play a Zum guitar any day of the week, a Jackson, a Sho-Pro...etc...I really like Fred Justices guitars too.....and the list goes on and on...But, Im a Mullen player, and I support them in every way....And I fail to see me promoting me...However, I do see your inflammatory comments generating some promo on my behalf...So I should just say...Thank you!...

heart·y   [hahr-tee] Show IPA adjective, heart·i·er, heart·i·est, noun, plural heart·ies.
warm-hearted; affectionate; cordial; jovial: a hearty welcome.
genuine; sincere; heartfelt: hearty approval; hearty dislike.
completely devoted; wholehearted: hearty support.
exuberant; unrestrained: hearty laughter.
violent; forceful: a hearty push; a hearty kick, a hearty laugh :P :P :P :P

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 4:34 pm
by Ray Anderson
Would love try one of those Mullen guitars and someday when the economy picks back up and I get some stable work, I will do just that. I don't play well enough to rate it one way or the other, but I have heard a lot about its smoothness and playability. You go Mick and state your preference, it's your right whether it rubs me the wrong or the right way. My list of respectable people is getting smaller by the comment. YMMV :(

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 5:39 pm
by Lane Gray
I've not spent much time behind a Mullen, but I was impressed.
The guitar I'm saving up for will probably be either a Mullen, Williams or MSA. I've also considered an Excel, but I need to get some measurements before they'll quote a price (or decide they don't wanna work that hard, some manufacturers have already told me they're not going to build my guitar).
I'm just trying to remember who it was that said they're playing Pre-RP while the G2 sits in the closet

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 5:54 pm
by Mickey Adams
LOL yep...that would be me Lane...My 1990 PRP with 705's has a magnificent tone no doubt...
and I do swap back and forth, don't deny it...this week in Vegas, played my G2...may take the PRP to Sweden...haven't decided yet..
I learned something interesting when my SD12 came back with a new finish on it too...I had my doubts at to whether the thickness of the Mica, type of Mica, Metal necks vs wood, lacquer vs mica really would affect the tone...
I always thought that they would be minimal...Im thinking I might have been wrong. My SD12 sounds different than it did with the BlueBerry finish...Jury is still out whether really better per say, but it is different...
Ill be making a trip to Topeka in October Lane, if youd like me to bring one up for you to spend some time with...Id be happy to do that...Ill be there for 3 days...I could let you have a G2 for a couple of days to evaluate...

Posted: 10 Aug 2012 6:10 pm
by Lane Gray
If 1 of those days would be a Sunday or a Monday, that would be awesome.

I wasn't going to call you out, I'd told you I wouldn't tell anybody. ;-)


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 6:33 pm
by Tom Lulias
Well I guess all you mullen owners will be buying hatton cases now!


Posted: 10 Aug 2012 9:48 pm
by Billy Carr
Kinda like John Hughey told me one time. "It ain't what brand name is on the front of a guitar so much, as it is, who's sittin' behind it." Mullen builds a fine guitar, as does several other builders. Mickey would do justice for any brand he played or endorsed. Currently I'm playing a Williams but it could've just as easily been a G2, if I would had the extra funds. The G2, Justice and another Williams are in my sights at the moment whenever I get finished with medical bills.

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 4:44 am
by Howard Steinberg
Mickey has contributed a whole lot to the world of PSG.
There's his book and lets see,how about 150 or so instructional videos available on you tube. He also very accessible and is ready to help fellow players with advice whether or not it brings him business. Mickey does not need to self promote. He happens to be into Mullen. Not a bad choice.

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 4:54 am
by Bill C. Buntin
If you guys don't know Mickey, you will not find a better person to do business with.
Mickey sold me a great guitar at a great price. It is a Mullen and I really like it.

So if you want a good deal on a Mullen, trade with Mickey.

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 5:19 am
by Al Miller
Mr Hatton writes : "There are MANY fine quality steel guitars being built today. The Mullen G2 is in no way the standard. If I had to pick one it would be Zum"

Mr Hatton , while Zum is most certainly the Bee's-Knee's in a world of fine hand made instruments what makes it Your! pick as "THE STANDARD"? could it be exactly what Mickey see's in his G2?... Probably ! ...Mickey Adams just happen's to be hyped up on Mullen guitars both G2's and Pre-Rp's what's wrong with yelling that " LIKE" to the world ? If folks would quit minding everybody's business and tend to their own this whole world might be a better place . The "STANDARD" if you will . I'm just sayin ..

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 6:16 am
by Keith Howard
I would add that Mickey tought me to play pedal steel and we've never met or even spoke. I spent several hours a day watching his FREE YouTube Videos for months. Sure he has a book for sale but he has more FREE instructional info on YouTube than anyone else that I know of. Most want to sell their instructional videos and I don't blame them... Just saying, Mickey gives allot to the cause and future of the instrument and is certainly gave enough to the community to voice his preferences here. I now own a Sho~Bud LDG, a GFI D-10 Ultra and a 1977 Clark D-10... All sound different and all are great guitars but I'm still looking for some other sound so maybe we'll try a Mullen next.

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 8:28 am
by Storm Rosson
:\ C'mon Kevin that ain't like you man, as selfless and generous to a fault,as Mickey is, he has garnered more than enuff respect to state ANYTHING he likes without being dis'd by anyone here...JMHO...Stormy ;-)

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 10:51 am
by Herb Steiner
Mickey Adams is a class act and a major contributor to the welfare of the steel guitar community and industry. Generous, courteous, and worthy of praise and respect. He represents an excellent company and an excellent product. I consider him a good friend.

I'd like to make a personal comment about some of the things raised by Kevin's post and the replies to same. Kevin makes a fine product as well and he promotes his cases here, as well he should. They solve problems for steel players, which is why we advertise here.

That said, there are threads that are self-promotion, and there are threads that are more, uh... self-serving, shall we say?

I personally see nothing wrong with self-promotion, I do it myself all the time to sell my course materials. It's the basis of advertising, informing people about the quality of your product and how you're proud of your contributions to help people satisfy their needs and solve their problems.

However, I am slightly uncomfortable with the self-serving type of thread which, by its very wording, reflects negatively on competitors, often disingenuously. Unethical? Probably not. I just feel that promoting oneself in that manner is not the most collegial way of doing so.

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 11:07 am
by Mickey Adams
I thank you all for your comments, and consider all of you GOOD friends as well...Im rather dismayed that this thread which was simply aimed at Del, and Mullen guitars, has turned into a bash-a-thon..It was never about ME..
Del Mullen and his family have been friends of mine for a number of years. A lifetimes worth of innovation, hard work, and attention to his customers is FINALLY beginning to pay off for him...And it's been a long time coming. This ideal is what made America great. When I call the factory, and have long conversations with my FRIENDS about guitars that I have on order for my customers..its obvious that they are very, very busy. They ALWAYS take my calls because I represent YOUR Interests with regards to their products...And Ill say this...I play Mullen Guitars for numerous reasons...One of which is, that I respect the man...

Posted: 11 Aug 2012 11:09 am
by Johnny Cox
Mickey, I haven't spent a lot of time behind a G2 other than one late nate jam at the Dallas show a couple years ago. I sat down at Tyler Hall's guitar and played it for a couple hours. I was very impressed. And I got to play Terry Bethal's this week at Mel Tillis' 80th birthday party. It was sweet too. Nice work Dell.



Posted: 11 Aug 2012 11:15 am
by Mickey Adams
Dumplin!!!...Looks like Im filling in for Joan while St Louis is in full swing!...Where you?....Call me and lets catch up!!..